One-on-One with Antonio Davis!

By Brad Cooney


One-on-One with Antonio Davis!

About a year ago, on a Prizefight Promotions card in Tunica Mississippi was a really good looking prospect in Antonio Davis. I remember seeing a very sharp and polished fighter doing his thing in the ring, and since then Davis has gone on to win two regional titles and  in doing so has crept his way into the WBO's top ten. Boxingtalk recently caught up Antonio Davis, and discussed this young man's future.

Boxingtalk- Antonio, thanks for talking to me.... what's the latest with you?

Antonio Davis - The latest with Antonio Davis is that I just recently won the NABO Junior Lightweight Title. I am  speaking with Ronnie Shields, and Prizefight in getting ready for my next fight in April to defend my title. The WBO's new rankings has me in the top 10.. Number 10 in the world.

BT- Antonio.. that does not suck (laughing)

Antonio Davis - Yea, that makes me feel very good (laughing)... that ranking right there puts me right in line for a Title shot.

BT- Let's talk about Ronnie Shields.. how long have you been with Shields?

Antonio Davis - I have been with Ronnie for about a year.

BT - Antonio, you also hold the USBA Title as well.

Antonio Davis - Yes, I currently hold two belts.

BT- Antonio, let's talk about your next fight plans... what's the latest with that?

Antonio Davis - Well I am scheduled for a fight in April.. I was supposed to fight next month in Biloxi Mississippi, on March 5th but it looks like that fell through. Ronnie is still working on that.. He also trains  Ivan Hernandez (Choko).

BT- Talk about Prizefight for a moment.

Antonio Davis - Brian Young is my promoter, he keeps busy.

BT - Antonio, how many amateur fights did you have?

Antonio Davis - I had 40 amateur fights, I was 35-5. I did my amateur fighting out of Georgia, my last year of amateur fighting I was ranked number 2 in the nation. I fought in the 2001 Pan Am games, and won a bronze medal. I fought on the USA Team, and was scheduled to fight in Russia...but after the 9/11 Tragedy happened, all the International fights were cancelled.

BT- Antonio what was the toughest thing about the transition from Pro to Amateur boxing?

Antonio Davis - For me, it wasn't that tough because most of the sparring that I did was with pros... I also had a lot of success as an amateur, so it wasn't that difficult.

BT- Antonio, talk a little more about the team you have around you?

Antonio Davis - Well I have my trainer Ronnie Shields.. and my manager Brian Smith, and my last fight I used a guy that Ronnie was good with.

BT-Antonio, if you had the power to change boxing for the better, what would be the first thing you would do?

Antonio Davis - If I had the power, I would try to regulate the sport a little bit.. regulate the way the rankings work, and adjust some things to make it better for the fighters. So much can be done, there so many loopholes in this sport... and I would try to adjust the sport to better assist those who retire from the sport who need assistance.

BT- Alex Ramos is the founder, and president of the Retired Boxers Foundation, he does tremendous work for a lot of fighters in need. Antonio, what is your position on 12 round fights, as opposed to 15 rounders?

Antonio Davis - Ahh..back in the Hagler days (laughing)....I think they should keep them at 12 personally... But, a controversial point of view is a 15 round fight cuts down on a lot of the draws in boxing anyway.

BT- If you could pick one guy in your past that you would rather not fight again, who would it be?

Antonio Davis - Nobody (laughing).... 

BT- Who inspires you the most in boxing?

Antonio Davis - Of course there is Sugar Ray, Roy Jones.. Floyd Mayweather inspires me a lot, the way he fights.

BT- Lastly, talk to your fans for a minute.. tell your fans what they can expect out of Antonio Davis over the next year or so.

Antonio Davis - My fans can expect to see me more... My integrity is high, I am a very spiritual person.. My fans can come up to me and talk to me. As far as in the ring, Ronnie Shields is training me, my fans can expect great things from me.. I just cracked the top 10 ranking...

BT- Antonio, thank you very much for talking to me.

Antonio Davis - Ok Brad... thank you.