One on One with Anthony Peterson

By Brad Cooney


One on One with Anthony Peterson

Boxingtalk caught up with the number 1 ranked lightweight contender in the world, Anthony Peterson right after his 8th round decisive win over Marteze Logan on Saturday night.  Peterson gave us his thoughts on his performance, and he touched on what may lay ahead for his very bright future.

BT – Talk about your performance tonight against Marteze Logan.

AP – Yea, just got finished fighting Marteze Logan.  I could have a world title fight coming up in the near future, so I needed the rounds.  He was a real durable guy, I hit him with some tough shots, and he took it like a champ.  I mean, I hit the guy with some thunderous shots, and he took them, so yea, I take my hat off to him.

BT – That's what all the hard work in the gym is about, in case you have a tough guy like this that takes you the distance.

AP – My conditioning coach Marvin Thomas is a great conditioning coach.  I wish that I could have gone 12 rounds, I felt great, and went the 8.

BT – When do you see yourself getting that world title shot?

AP – Whenever my coach and my managers get it ready.  Hopefully before I turn 23, so I can say what Muhammad Ali said, “I am 22 years old, and I shocked the world, so I must be the greatest.” (laughs).

BT – Talk about what your coach Barry Hunter has done for you over the years.

AP – Without Barry, none of this would have been possible.  Barry is my friend, my savior, he's everything to me.

BT – I know you just got out of the ring, so do you have any closing thoughts for the fans?

AP – Keep God first, and anything can happen!


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