One on One with Alan Green

By G, Leon


One on One with Alan Green

GL: It's been a while since we've had you on Boxingtalk. What's the latest with Alan Green and when can we expect you back in the ring? "I've just been relaxing and getting my medical problem, which I've had for the last three years taken cared of. We were thinking about having surgery, but we decided not to do that because I've been feeling much better so I should be back in the ring by July."

GL: Any idea of where and when and against who?

Alan Green: "I think one of the dates may be July 20 or July 18, but I'm not sure. I'm training myself and working hard to get back where I was so I can take over."

GL: Will this next fight be televised?

AG: "Yeah it will definitely be televised. You know Alan Green is must see TV man."

GL: It's been a while since the fight with Miranda. You've had some time to reflect on that evening, can you give us some thoughts on what went wrong and what you learned from that fight?

AG: "The only thing I learned from the fight is to listen to your Doctor. I'm only human, I'm not superman. If the doctor says you don't take a fight because of a certain condition or something then you don't do it. Going into the fight I thought I would have been fine. I was on a treatment then, but I wasn't feeling like myself when I was in camp and my doctor told me not to take the fight and to find out exactly what's wrong. The condition I had made it extremely hard for me to make the weight. By the time I got to the fight I was honestly at 10-15%. My promoter was trying to talk me out of the fight in the dressing room, but I'm a fighter. I thought I was going to catch him with something and get rid of him. I did catch him, but when I caught him I knew he was going to get up. I didn't really come out and say too much about it because I didn't want anyone to think I was making excuses. Anyone that has seen me fight before knows that wasn't me from the first round on."

GL: Basically you're saying should you get Miranda in the ring again....

AG: (cutting in) "It wouldn't even be a contest. It wouldn't even be a fight and that's how that fight should have been. I have nothing against because fighting me feeling how I felt, he did what he needed to do. But if I ever fought him again it wouldn't even be close. I'm feeling much better now. Right after the Jaidon COdrington fight I wasn't feeling well and I wasn't the same fighter at all. I tell people if you notice it was a slight decline in my peformances. I looked good against Bonsante, but that was a more emotional victory because I was coming off of the fight where I got knocked down by Donnie McCreary. I looked terrible with Litton, I was subpar with Ravelo and I lost to Miranda. If you really pay attention you can tell. It's the little things and I just wasn't looking as good. I thought it was because I was fighting so often, but it was the condition I had which was more serious than I thought, but not it's been taken cared of. I was sparring with Glen Johnson and some days I was right and some days it was off, but it was a condition with my colon and I was only able to eat every three days man. I'm feeling much better now and I can't wait to get back in the ring."

GL: Neither can we. Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

AG: "To all of my fans, don't get it twisted or mixed up. I'm still the same motherfucker that knocked Jaidon out. When I come back I'm coming to kick Miranda's ass or anyone else at middleweight or super middleweight who wants to fight. It doesn't make a difference. I don't want to sit here and say I'm back because I haven't gone anywhere. I'll be in the ring next month so you'll be able to see for yourself."


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