One on One: Terry Smith

By Brad Cooney


One on One: Terry Smith

BT - So what's the latest with you Terry? " Well I am constantly training now, I don't want to get caught not prepared. I am ready to go anywhere, anytime. I got caught sleeping once with the Calvin Brock fight, it was my only loss on my record. I am looking to get my name out there, any of you Heavyweights out there that say you will box any Heavyweight, anytime, hey give me a call, hey I am ready."

BT - You went the distance with one of the best Heavyweights out there right now in Calvin Brock, that must have boosted your confidence.

TS - I took that fight on 9 days notice. If I was in any kind of shape Calvin Brock would have walked away with a loss. Calvin knows that he was in a fight that night.

BT - Terry recently you have been working with James Toney, helping him to get ready for the fight he had with Hasim Rahman, talk about that.

TS - Yea, I have been in camp with James Toney for 4 camps now. Each time I get better, it helps my skills, and I am getting better every time. I have been in the ring with John Ruiz, James Toney, and even Joe Mesi. I have been in the ring with the best, so now it's time for Terry Smith to shine. Any Heavyweight that thinks you can just walk over me, give me the chance, and I will use you as a stepping stone for my career.

BT - Do you have anything lined up?

TS - I had a fight scheduled in Germany but that fell out, so I am looking right now.

BT - Who are you working with Terry, if someone wants to challenge you?

TS - Contact Toney Holden, or Ozell Nelson, or me personally. I am not hiding from anyone, I will meet you anywhere you want to fight, any place. This is from Terry " The Troublemaker " Smith, (26-1-1). Hey, hanging with James Toney I will fight my momma now (laughs) that's how hungry I am right now to get my name out there on the scene, I want my name known to the public.

BT - Anything you want to say in closing?

TS - Calvin Brock I want a rematch, and anyone else who thinks I am a pushover bring it on, I am ready. I want to prove myself to the world!


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