O'Neil Bell: Mormeck won't go the distance

By G. Leon


O'Neil Bell: Mormeck won't go the distance

GL: What can we expect to see from O'Neil Bell on Saturday night? "The performance is going to be a banger that the world has to see. This is the second time me and Mormeck are going to meet and I know his style and I'm comfortable with it. And if he brings something new I'm going to be ready to adapt to it. Training camp went superbly despite the little negativity. We had some great sparring out there. Arthur Williams is still the man and he's still hitting hard and he's still a champ in my eyes. I had to figure out ways to take him out and he was very mental for me. It's going to be a beautiful thing Greg. All of Europe is going to get to see me. It's not going to be shown in the United States, but all of Europe is going to get to see me showcase my talents and once again show that I am the bona fide champion of the world."

GL: Obviously the negavity you referred to was the incident with the sparring partner where you were arrested. Would you like to touch on it at all?

O'Neil Bell: "It's water under the bridge. I take it in stride, it's the kind of situation that could happen when I'm getting ready for a fight. Lawsuits or whatever it is, chicks coming at me, I take it all in stride. If that kind of shit doesn't happen when I'm getting ready for a fight, then something is wrong. If it's a negative, I turn it into a positive and feed off that energy. Jean Marc Mormeck better be ready to die on March 17."

GL: No one will dispute that you are the cruiserweight champion of the world, with that being said do you have to enter the ring with the mentality of the challenger to leave France with your title?

OB: "I told you before Greg, I got to go in there and get a knockout because I don't think they're going to give me a decision there. I'm going in there looking to do a superb job of winning every round. I'm not going in there looking to knock him out with one punch, but I know that once I start to let my hands go it's going to happen and it's going to be banger, I promise you that."

GL: Based on the fact that this fight is only being shown in Europe and nobody in America will see it, does that make you want to press him extra hard? Because O'Neil if they jerk you over there and nobody sees the fight it could become an out of sight out of mind kind of deal. Does that concern you?

OB:" When Don won the purse-bid I could have made a big deal over it but that would have just prolonged my wait. I haven't fought in fourteen months and I wanted to get the fight. It's best for me to get in their on a clean slate with no negativity on my end and hopefully no negativity on the end of the promoter or France. I'm going in there to inflict pain until I leave with my title."

GL: And obviously you're hoping a second win over Mormeck leads to a more active O'Neil Bell, correct?

OB: "Like I said, I'm not the promoter. If I had the dividends, I'd promote myself every two weeks, but I'm not the promoter. I'm ready to fight right now, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. That's a better question for Warriors Boxing."

GL: In your mind, is Mormeck still the second best cruiserweight in the world?

OB: "You're damn right he is. He hits like a damn mule. I walked out of the first fight with fractured rib. I never said that before or brought that up, but he can crack. He's very powerful, but it's time for me to use my boxing skill and ability to show the diversity of Supernova."

GL: Do you think you're going to be able to drown him in the deep waters once again?

OB: "You know what Greg? I thought about that man. Coming from Big Bear right now, that altitude does something for me. I'm blowing cats out right now. I've been fighting at fast pace. I don't know what round it's going happen in, but with my thresholds for pain, I know it's going to come in devastating fashion.

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

OB: "American boxing fans, keep your eyes wide open. If you can make it to France please come out. Keep watching out for me, I duck and dodge no one and I'm coming back home with my tite. I also want to apologize to the American fans that I'm not yet able to broadcast live with a satellite, but believe me if I could I'd bring this fight to your living room myself."


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