O’Neil Bell

By Steve “MonsterBoxing” Saks


O’Neil Bell

Cruiserweight Exclusive Part 3

After his 2nd round K.O. of Ezra Sellers last weekend, O’Neil Bell say’s he’s ready for another bout with cruiserweight king Kelvin Davis, a man he already beat once.

S.S. – How are you doing, O’Neil?

O.B. – I’m good…good. Just resting up.

S.S. – Last Saturday you fought Ezra Sellers, tell me a little bit of your thoughts about the fight.

O.B. – Well after viewing some of the pictures and reading some of the comments on some of the other websites, they were all saying he went down on a phantom punch. I cant see how he went down on a phantom punch, cause I felt the full force of it, the full impact of the punch. And the look in his eyes, it was like he didn’t even want to get up, much less fake a knockout.

S.S. – I had spoken to Ezra earlier today and he said that you had hit him in the back of the head and that’s what hurt him...

O.B. – On the back of the head? No…no, that’s not the way it went. It was a side of the head shot, right near his ear. He went down on that punch, I don’t know what he considers the back of the head. It was clean, it was a legal punch.

S.S. – What are your plans now? You are up for another shot with Kelvin Davis and the championship next.

O.B. – That was the ideal goal, fighting for the mandatory spot. So Davis wouldn’t dodge me anymore. Now I’m the mandatory and he has to defend his title, I believe within ninety days of this fight. So, he will have to accept that or fight the winner of the Braithwaite fight, but I am the mandatory and he has to fight me within ninety days. So, now I’m waiting for Davis again.

S.S. – Like I had said before, I spoke with Ezra Sellers ealier today and he says he’s retiring now. His fight with you on Saturday was his last.

O.B. – He finally decided to do it, huh? I cant say anything negative about Sellers, the man was a gentlemen inside the ring and outside the ring. We had spoken several times after the fight and he had expressed his feelings towards me in a good way. I wish him well in the future. As far as him retiring, only the man can decide that for himself. He has a great deal of experience and did well in the game, he fought some very good fighters. There comes a time when a man feels like he should just give it up and I feel this was a great opportunity for him to do that.

S.S. – What are your thoughts on another fight with Kelvin Davis?

O.B. – I’m ready, I’ve been ready. Actually, I wanna set something straight about Davis cause he’s complaining, telling people in the business that I hit him behind the head or whatever, telling people I fought dirty. But if you watch that fight, you can clearly see who was the dirty fighter. Davis intentionally headbutted, watch the fight, you’ll see it. The man should have been knocked out, the referee should have stopped it in the fourth round cause I had him going, he had spit his mouthpiece out. So this time these going to be a more defined fight, defined on my part, going in there to take Davis out, that’s the whole objective. No playing around . I’m sure he feels the same way too cause he’s had time to relish the beating I gave him. So, it’s gonna be toe to toe action. It’s gonna be total banging, I hope he’s ready cause I’M READY. It’s gonna be a great fight, a great thing for the people to see, great for boxing and great for the weight class. I’ve been waiting for this fight, this has been the motivation during my training for the Sellers fight.

S.S. – This brings us back to the Sellers fight. He had you hurt in the first round...

O.B. – No, no, No…he didn’t have me hurt. A lot of people ask me that, ask me if he had me hurt. He stunned me actually, I walked into, I believe it was a right hook. When I was being the aggressor, I walked into a right hook and it felt like my eye went foggy for a minute. That was the only punch I really felt from him. I respected him from then on, I was cautious, I didn’t want to rush cause he was basically counterpunching.

S.S. – If this fight with Davis doesn’t materialize, what’s your next option going to be?

O.B. – It doesn’t matter, it really doesn’t matter. There are a lot of chumps in this weight class , walking around as champions. Man, cmon and fight, let’s make some real noise. People don’t know who’s really in this weight class making any noise. Braithwaite, Mormeck or Davis, it doesn’t matter to me.It really doesn’t matter to me, I just want to stir everything up. I’m not dodging anyone.

S.S. – Do you see a move to Heavyweight in your future?

O.B. – Yeah, I’d like that. I saw Chris Byrd at my last fight and I wanted to say something to him but couldn’t catch him after the fight. You know, James Toney got that fight with Booker coming up and I think a matchup with the winner of that fight would be a great fight. I want the championship here in this weight but if there is  a fight that could be made, that people would enjoy, then I’d fight ‘em.

That’s my word. I’m not ducking anyone, I’ll take any big money fight out there. I’m not taking a backseat to anyone. I’m not gonna watch these chump ride off with all the glory, with all the belts, with all the hype.

You let Davis know that it’s on. My main motivation is him.