GL: Can you give us some thoughts on your victory last Friday night? "I thought I did okay. I only trained for the fight a few weeks properly becauase I had a bruised rib and it straightened itself out by the time I had to fight so I just went in there with what I had and I think I did a good job and I was happy with the outcome. I could have done better, but I did alright."
GL: Do you plan on having your mandatory against Julio Diaz enforced immediately?
Nate Campbell: "I really want to fight Julio Diaz. I think I deserve the shot, it's my shot and it shouldn't go to anybody else. After hearing that he's trying to get a fight with Juan Diaz I'm getting more frustrated because the only reason they want to fight him is because they want Julio to get a big payday and Juan wants to make sure he stays with at least two titles so he can maintain his super championship."
GL: I spoke with Juan Diaz a couple of days ago and he told me that he plans on fighting Julio Diaz in October. I asked Juan about your mandatory and he said he doesn't think Don King will push that fight since he just signed you. How do you feel about that?
NC: "It ain't up to Don King at this point and I do have a co-promoter. I am the mandatory and they fail to realize that they can't just keep fighting around me. Why don't they just fight me and be done with it? If they think they could beat me and get me out of their hair they should do it, the problem is they know I'll stomp a mudhole in their ass."
GL: Would you not accept step aside money to fight the winner of a Diaz-Diaz fight?
NC: "I want the title. If my people sit down and talk to Don and they find that the best situation for me is to allow them to fight and unify the titles so I can fight the winner and it's a guarantee that I'm going to fight the winner for both titles, then it would be different. But these guys keep fighting around me. Stop doing it, you're killing the sport. People want to see me fight for the title. Win, lose or draw, people want to see me out there. I am not Freitas and I am not Jesus Chavez. I'm a live dog and they know it's going to be a fight until I knock their brains out. I fought three eliminators and I just took a stay busy fight, how long am I going to be overlooked."
GL: Is the bottom line that unless a step aside offer you can't refuse is presented that you intend on having your mandatory enforced?
NC: "I was unaware of the Diaz-Diaz fight being in the works until after my fight on Friday night. I'm in limbo right now. Why can't they do the Katsidis and let me fight Julio Diaz and then the winners fight each other? That would be a great card and it would set the stage for a big fight. Guys keep saying they want to fight the best fighters in the division, but fight around me. I want my shot and I'm going to get it."
GL: When will there be an update on your next move?
NC: "Terry (Trekas) will be in touch. I just want to fight and I think I proved that with this last fight. I just want to be in the ring and rather than reward the fighters who really want to fight, they reward the fighters who are fighting for circumstances and money. I love what I do and these people are killing my sport. But as soon as I get a title, I'm going to clean up this division and I'm going to show people what a champion is supposed to do. I'm fighting all comers. They're just holding my titles now. All these guys are doing it preventing the inevitable. I'm going to win the titles in spectacular fashion, defend them in spectacular fashion and it's going to be something that everybody is going to write about, talk about and want to see."
GL: So there will be no let down this time around.
NC: "None. I just used the bare minimum of my ability in this last fight you saw what I did with it. I'm in a place now that these guys could only wish to be."
GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?
NC: "I just want to thank everyone for supporting me and standing behind me. All of the people who showed up to my last fight made me a very, very happy man."
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