Mosley or Margarito: One makes sense the other makes more!

By Mike Samuels


Mosley or Margarito: One makes sense the other makes more!

Shane Mosley had no reason to fight Fernando Vargas on Saturday night because in his mind the tenth round stoppage he put down on Vargas in February should have answered any questions about who the better fight was.

But Saturday night the rematch wasn't about determining the better fighter; rather about another sweet payday for Mosley, who did more than cash out by getting his first dominant knockout victory in five years when he stopped Adrian Stone as a jr. welterweight.

Now at 34 with a combined record of 4-0 against Oscar De la Hoya and Fernando Vargas, Mosley, who said he has no intentions on fighting again this year, has a November 4th date standing in front of him against the sports pound-for-pound best Floyd Mayweather.

The pay per-view figures from a proposed Mosley-Mayweather match up would most likely surpass the numbers done by Fernando Vargas playing the A side in Mosley's last two fights. The fight has a long way to go before negotiations even start, but if Mayweather is unable to convince Mosley to fight once more this year to make a large sum of money then perhaps his wife, Jin Mosley, will be able to change her husbands mind before it's too late.

"I know in Shane's house his wife calls the shots, but in my house I call the shots," Mayweather told Boxingtalk afterwards

With the chance of a Mosley-Mayweather fight happening that leaves Antonio Margarito out of the picture for the time being. Many people around the sport -- some more than others -- want to see Mayweather tested against a bigger, stronger opponent like Margarito; however, Floyd has the best chance to add to his legacy by fighting Mosely first and then following up with Margarito.

Mayweather has taken quite a bit of heat by a lot in the boxing industry, so turning down Margarito and the reported 8 million dollar payday would surely add more fuel to a fire that seems to be growing by the day.  I have stayed away from criticizing Mayweather , but if he decides to fight someone other than Mosley or Margarito then I won't be able to say I blame those in disgust for too much longer.

On the other side of the argument, being the best in boxing has always drawn more criticism your way as a fighter. Roy Jones Jr. battled it for most of his career, Marvin Hagler failed to get a lot of credit and until most recently Bernard Hopkins was a victim of this form of thinking. No matter what Mayweather does he is going to be examined under a magnifying glass until the day he retires. He understands this but it isn’t something fans of our sport will ever realize because they’re on the outside looking in.

There is no wrong way to look at a Mosley-Mayweather or Margarito fight. With Mosely you will see a former multi division champion present size and possible speed problems for Mayweather and it’s already a given that little Floyd would be hard pressed to score a knockout because of Shane’s granite chin.

With Margarito fans would be seeing Mayweather in against a much bigger opponent and presumably a much stronger one, too. Add to the fact that Margarito is one of the busiest fighters the sport has to offer and you’re sure to have great appeal for the fight.

Now we must be forced to play the waiting game. A game all too common in the sport of boxing but one that doesn’t have to ruin the possibility of seeing the sports best in against two guys that are sure to test his status atop the boxing throne.


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