Mora out as Taylor's opponent, Spinks in the mix

By G. Leon


Mora out as Taylor's opponent, Spinks in the mix

Arum: "...real miiddleweight champions fight real middleweights"

Boxingtalk has been informed that Contender Champion Sergio Mora has refused to fight Jermain Taylor in Memphis, TN, therefore Taylor is searching for a new opponent. Word is, IBF Jr. Middleweight champion Cory Spinks is in the mix to land the fight. Needelss to say, Bob Arum, who promotes Kelly Pavlik, the WBC #1 contender, was infuriated by the news as he told Boxingtalk, "Pavlik is the #1 contender and we're ready to make the fight right now! Jermain needs to be a real middleweight champion and fight real middleweights." More to follow! (10:00PM ET)