McCline to undergo surgery on Tuesday

By Scott Shaffer


McCline to undergo surgery on Tuesday

On Sunday, heavyweight Jameel McCline returned to the United States on crutches after spending Saturday night in a Swiss hospital. McCline was in the midst of battling WBA heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev when his knee gave out in the third round, leaving him unable to stand up, much less continue the bout. McCline's manager Scott Hirsch disputed reports that a Valuev punch caused the injury, and replays clearly show the knee giving out as McCline was threw a combination while Valuev covered up. After trying in vain to stand and resume the battle, McCline was taken out of the ring on a stretcher and diagnosed with an injury to his patellar tendon. Swiss doctors advised  immediate surgery but McCline left the hospital against medical advice and went straight to the airport. He is scheduled go under the knife on Tuesday in New Jersey. "I thought I was winning the fight," said McCline, who was ahead on one card 29-28 but behind on the other two by the same score.  "I was coming on strong in the third round, breaking him down," McCline continued. "I was starting to hurt him, and when my knee gave out, I tried to continue but couldn't. There is no way I would have lost other than this and I would like a rematch as soon as I am healthy." By Monday, McCline had seen a doctor and seemed optimistic, saying his surgeon predicted he would be able to ride an exercise bicycle in four to six weeks and run in six to eight weeks.  McCline and Hirsch were both gracious despite their obvious disappointment in the premature ending.  "I want to thank the champ and his promoters, Wilfried Sauerland and Don King for giving Jameel the opportunity, but Valuev was very lucky to come out of this with his title. I hope for Jameel's sake there will be a rematch," said Hirsch. On the other saide of the Atlantic, Sauerland Event's Chris Meyer was concerned about McCline’s health but made no promises for a rematch, “We are happy with Jameel McCline. He made it a good fight and it’s a pity he got injured. We all wish him a good recovery. As for a rematch, Valuev must fight Chagaev next and then we will look for unification of the titles. With all due respect to Jameel, he should wait until he achieves a full recovery before coming back.”