Marco Antonio Barrera Seeking Revenge Against Pacquiao

By Darren Nichols


Marco Antonio Barrera Seeking Revenge Against Pacquiao

BoxingTalk:  Marco, how do you feel this fight will be different this time around with Pacquiao?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  Well, everything is different then four years ago.  I’m going to work very, very hard for this fight, because I know who Manny Pacquiao is, and I think when the fight comes I will win.

BoxingTalk:  This time around there hopefully won’t be a fire in your camp like there was up in Big Bear, so how will training for this fight compare with training for the last time you faced Pacquiao?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  It will be very different.  The last time I worked out in Big Bear, and now I’ll be working in Guadalajara, Mexico to work in the best camp.

BoxingTalk:  Some will ask that if you couldn’t get past Juan Manuel Marquez in your last fight how are you going to get past Pacquiao this time.  What would you say to them?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  Marquez is part of the past, and now my mind is thinking about Manny Pacquiao because he’s the best Filipino fighter, and I think this is going to be a big fight.

BoxingTalk:  What does this rematch mean for you and your career?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  For me it is very import for all the Latin people, for myself, and for my promoter because I feel this fight is necessary since I lost the last fight with Pacquiao.  But I come with hunger in this fight.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel is your biggest advantage coming into this fight with Pacquiao?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  My camp, my preparation, and my conditioning.

BoxingTalk:  What is your prediction for this fight?

Marco Antonio Barrera:  I’m going to win this fight.  I don’t know if it will be my knockout or by decision, but I will come to win the fight.


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