Lovemore Ndou on Search and Destroy Mission

By Darren Nichols


Lovemore Ndou on Search and Destroy Mission

"If I have to hurt my opponent to get to my world title that’s exactly what I am going to do."

BoxingTalk:  Lovemore,  give us your thoughts on your 5th round destruction of Singmanasak this past weekend?

Lovemore Ndou:  It was a good win. Everything went according to plan. My team and I had a game plan going into this fight. Which basically was to break my opponent down within the first few rounds and eventually take him out. We knew this kid wasn’t gonna be a walk in the park but with our game plan we made it look like one. All thanks to my trainers and management team at the Grange Old School Boxing. Like the name speaks for itself, everything we do at this gym is old school. We don’t play around. That’s why I have no doubt that with this team in my corner I’m gonna win the world title and clean up the 140 pound division.

BoxingTalk:  When you had Singmanasak down in the 3rd round, did you game plan then change to go for the knockout?

Lovemore Ndou:  The game plan never changed at all. All we did was increase our work rate and eventually the stoppage came. All thanks to the referee who did a great job in stopping the fight because this kid was just gonna get hurt more and more as the fight progressed. In fact I’m a bit disappointed in his corner. They should have been the first ones to step in and stop the fight as the kid was getting hammered helplessly as the fight progressed. And believe me, had the referee not stopped the fight in the 5th round I was definitely going to hurt the kid. My mentality going into this fight was that this kid was standing between me and my world title shot. So basically if I have to hurt my opponent to get to my world title that’s exactly what I am going to do.

BoxingTalk:  Recently you have been fighting about once a month.  Are you looking to stay this active until you get a title shot?

Lovemore Ndou:  Through continued activity is the only way I can maintain my sharpness in the ring. And I’m glad I’m getting these stay-busy fights. All thanks to my management team, in particular Bill Treacy (owner of the Grange Old School Boxing) From a guy who hasn’t had a fight in nine months time, I have had 3 fights in 3 months time. What else can I ask for? Nine months without a fight is a hell of a long time. Damn, babies are made in nine months time. So you can think of me as the new born Lovemore Ndou with a new attitude. To destroy my opponents. To answer your question, yes if I have to fight anyone else or do an eliminator to get to a world title shot, I will do just that.

BoxingTalk:  Speaking of your title shot, what is the latest on facing the winner of Ben Rabah and Urango?

Lovemore Ndou:  Look, it will all depend on what the IBF orders. If they order a box-off for the No.1 mandatory position before I face the winner of Rabah/Urango I will do just that. I really don’t care who they put in front of me because right now I’m on fire. The fact is whoever wins the title has up to 6 months to face me. In fact, 4 moths to be quite accurate since the IBF will order whoever will be the champ two months before the due date to start negotiation with my camp.

BoxingTalk:  Do you believe that staying active in the ring as much as you have will benefit you when you get in the ring for the IBF 140-pound title?

Lovemore Ndou:  That goes without saying. Through continued activity is the only way I can maintain my sharpness. That’s why I feel right now I’m ready to take on anyone in the 140-pound division.

BoxingTalk:  I know you have wanted the winner of Ben Rabah and Urango for some time now.  Once you get into the ring with either one of them, are you going to punish them more than you would another opponent for making you wait?

Lovemore Ndou:  That also goes without saying. These guys are nowhere in my class. Do I have any respect for them? As human beings yes, since I respect anyone, young or old, black or white, male or female. But as fighters, NO. I got no respect at all for them as fighters. In fact they don’t even deserve to be fighting for this title. How they got there it’s all politics that goes with the sport. Nobody knows who these guys are. They haven’t proven themselves enough to the point where they should be fighting for the championship of the world. Truth is nobody has any interest in this fight. That’s why even though it’s just a week into their world title fight nobody is writing about it. No boxing website or any other media outlet is interested in doing stories on this fight. In fact, a lot of boxing fans, including hardcore fans, don’t even know about this fight. And what does that tell you? That nobody is interested in Mickey-Mouse fights. 

BoxingTalk:  Is your next fight a title shot or can we expect to see you in the ring next against someone else so that you can stay active?

Lovemore Ndou:  Like I said, I really don’t care who I fight next. But in reality I would love to get my shot at the world title right away. That is why I’m flying out to Miami this week to watch Rabah and Urango do their battle from ringside and offer a challenge to the winner right away. My promoter, the great Murad Muhammad and my management team, Grange Old School Boxing (Bill Treacy), feel this is the only way to get these cats into the ring. And like I said before, I really don’t care who wins this fight because whoever wins this title can expect a serious whooping from me next. It’s just gonna be BOOM-SHAKALAAH.

BoxingTalk: What would you like to say in closing to your fans on BoxingTalk?

Lovemore Ndou:  To all my fans, thanks for your continued support and I promise to win you the world title before the end of the year. To, keep doing what you do best. That is, keeping it real as you always do and being the best boxing website out there! PEACE!


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