Lorenzo ready to shine in DR tonight!

By Socrates Palmer Jr


Lorenzo ready to shine in DR tonight!

Monday night December 18th the Dominican Republic is set to host the biggest professional boxing card in its history. Joan Guzman will defend his WBO version of the super featherweight championship. On this 9 bout scheduled fight card there is a possibility that 18,000 of mostly proud Dominicans will have a chance to glimpse at a future world champion. That possible preview's name  is middleweight contender Giovanni "El Chico Malo" Lorenzo. Lorenzo will be part of the supporting cast in this extravaganza. For Lorenzo it will also be his official inauguration into the middleweight division. Before Lorenzo campaigned as a 154 fighter.
"I am very excited to be a part of this historic evening of boxing. I dreamed of something like this, When I first remember putting on the gloves I would hit the bag and pretend that I was putting on a show for my family in my own back yard. This is really a special night for me on a personal level," Lorenzo.
The man who is looking to make Lorenzo wish a nightmare will be Jordan Sanchez of Costa Rica. Sanchez brings a chiseled 160 pound frame to go along with a
pro record of 13-6 with 8 wins via knockout. Lorenzo who owns a record of 21-0 (13 K.O.'s), is expecting a very hungry Sanchez.
"I don't put much stock in his record, because 1 I never seen him fight, personally I know fighters who have some mediocre records on paper who can fight. That's a reality
in this sport. My job is to prepare and I have done that. I train the same for all fighters. I know Sanchez is coming to win and I would not have it any other way. I am always prepared to come out on top and I will come out on top," Lorenzo.
The 26 year old Lorenzo, who has spent the past 5 years residing in the Bronx, New York is coming to back to his native land and will be fighting in front of friends and family. Lorenzo insist that he does not feel any added pressure of winning.
"I respect the sport of boxing too much to not be focused. To me this is another fight, this is what I get paid to do. Granted its special to be fighting in front of my mother and I will be in front of my family and friends, but when the bell rings, its me and Sanchez. After the first bell rings all the music dies down, all the hype around the fight is over, it will be a fight between two professionals and I take my profession very seriously," Lorenzo.
"Do you think that me who has put up with the nasty winters of New York, being away from my mother, from my brothers and from the rest of my family and friends, that I am going to risk not being at my best? There is no way that I am going to throw 5 years of my life away against Sanchez, or anyone who steps in front of me. I work to hard and I have not achieved my goals yet," said Lorenzo.
The Dominican Republic, a land known for tremendous baseball players and Merengue is in the midst of a boxing Golden Age. Lorenzo who lives in the shadows of Yankee Stadium, is not content with just being another good Dominican fighter. He says he has seen too many fellow Dominicans who have not lived up to their full potentials. Lorenzo wants to not only be a part of this Dominican fight Renaissance, but to be its most prominent figure.
"I was born for greatness. I know that God has great things for me in his plans. I have gone through things in my life, some good, but also plenty of not so good things. Every obstacle I have over come has made me a stronger person and I thank God for this. I have put God first in my life and he keeps me hungry to be the best boxer in the world," Lorenzo.
Lorenzo understands that on Monday night he is not the star attraction. He says that he is comfortable with that. He says that, this all comes with the territory of paying his dues in this sport. However, when 2007 arrives he feels like it will be his year to shine.
"I am ready to step it up in the up coming year. I am ready to make my march towards a championship. I am ready to have my name in the big print on the flyer's. I am a New Yorker. I am a Dominican. I'd love to headline the Garden," Lorenzo.
One person who Lorenzo, would like to see across from him at Madison Square Garden is Ireland's John Duddy.
"Duddy is a guy that I respect and I know he has said my name in the past. I say to him then lets do this. We are both New Yorkers now and we are in similar stages of our careers and a fight with me and Duddy would be big," Lorenzo.

A date with John Duddy would no doubt be a big attraction. It would be shamrock green versus platano green. They are two fighters with big punch reputations
and have crowd pleasing styles. However the man who goes by the nick name "El Chico Malo", which translates to bad boy knows that he has to take care of immediate business first before he makes future plans.
"I am ready for Monday night and I am focused on Sanchez. As of today this is the biggest fight that I have. After Monday night we will be after bigger and better things, but It all starts with my fight tomorrow night", Lorenzo.


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