Leonard Ellerbe: Oscar can have Hopkins, Mosley, Barrera and Wink in his corner and it won't make any difference!

By G. Leon


Leonard Ellerbe: Oscar can have Hopkins, Mosley, Barrera and Wink in his corner and it won't make any difference!

GL: How's everything Leonard? What's the latest with Floyd?   Everything has been great.  Floyd's been taking it easy, spending alot time with his family before we get down to business.  He's extremely motivated for Cinco De Mayo to give the fans all over the world a great fight.  I have a great deal of respect for Oscar because he didn't have to take this fight and this shows what kind of great champion he is by stepping up to the plate and we really appreciate the opportunity. 
GL: Oscar just announced Freddie Roach as his head trainer for this fight. How do you feel about that selection and do you think he made a mistake by not using Floyd Mayweather Sr?
Leonard Ellerbe: "That's really none of my business. That's not my team and it was his decision, but hands down the Mayweather's are the best trainers out there.  Big Floyd made Oscar a better fighter over the past five years and that's a fact.  Freddie is a very good trainer who I have a great deal of respect for.  He's worked with some great fighters and had alot of success, most notably James Toney and Manny Pacquio.  Freddie is going to have about as much impact on this fight as he did in the last Peter/Toney fight.  There have been other outstanding trainers in the opposing corners before such as Buddy McGirt, Brusa, Ronnie Shields just to name a few and they all had great strategies and watched tons of films etc, and they've all failed.  They will all tell you it looks different from the outside until your fighter gets in there.   Oscar can have Shane, Nard, Barerra and Wink in his corner along with Freddie and it's still going to be the same result Greg.  This fight is about boxing's two biggest stars coming together and laying it on the line in the most highly anticipated fight ever. 
GL: A lot of people I've spoken with are not only giving Oscar a good chance of winning, they're expecting Oscar to win the fight, does that surprise you at all?
LE: "Not at all. It's just people's opinions and I'm sure come fight night the fans will be split down the middle with their opinions.  He's been a great champion and fought everyone in his era.  We expect to see the best Oscar ever come fight night.  The time off prior to the Mayorga paid great dividends for Oscar and we all saw a great knockout in the fight.  He looked very sharp in the fight and he'll be even hungrier for this fight because believe me, Oscar knows what he's up against.  Why do you think he's been training since December?  Floyd loves defying the odds and proving the critics wrong.  This is a time when the fans need to embrace a fighter like Floyd because what we all are witnessing is history.  Figthers like him are a rare breed.  How many fighters do you know have gone from 130 to 154 and won titles in each weight class beating the best and remained undefeated in under 9 yrs? 
GL: Is Floyd biting off more than he can chew by moving up to 154?
LE: Greg, this has been a goal of Floyd's for a long time.  You've heard him say numerous times "from 154 on down bring em and he'll beat em.   I've said all along Oscar can't beat Floyd at no weight.  Floyd will prove to the world just because you're smaller you can still beat the bigger guys.   He's not going to come in the fight weighing 154, he's going to weigh around 149 or 150.   Floyd doesn't weigh 154 with his clothes on right now.  We know what Oscar strengths are along with his weaknesses and Floyd will be able to exploit his weaknesses.
GL: As Floyd's strength and conditioning coach, will he be doing any different exercises while preparing for his junior midddleweight debut?
LE: "Just a few different little things but nothing drastic.  Floyd is a throw back fighter and this fight is not about how much Floyd weighs or how much Oscar weighs. This is going to come down to who the better fighter is. Oscar thinks he's the better fighter and Floyd knows he is.  Oscar will be very surprised how strong Floyd is during the fight.  We're just happy to be able to have the opportunity to show why Floyd is the best fighter in the world on the biggest stage in all of boxing."
GL: When does Roger come home and when will he begin training Floyd for this fight?
LE: "Actually me and Floyd spoke to Roger today. He was in great spirits and we were actually talking about what the game plan is. We're all really excited because he'll be back around the second week of March and that's when we're going to start our camp and it's going to be business as usual."
GL:  How are Floyd's hands?
LE:  "Floyd's hands are fine.  I know that's part of their game plan hoping Floyd's hands give out during the fight.  Prior to our last fight with Baldomir, I can't remember the last time Floyd hurt his hands.  He sure didn't have any problems the last couple of years in fights with Corley, he dropped him couple of times, Brusseles got stopped, Gatti got stopped, Mitchell got stopped or Zab so all the talk about Floyd's hands is funny to me.  They better come with something better than that."
GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?
LE: "We're just really excited about fighting Oscar. This is truly the fight Floyd has wanted his whole career and come May 5 the fans are going to be in for a great, great fight. I know Oscar will be ready to lay it on the line. It's Cinco De Mayo and he's representing all of his fans.  Both fighters have a responsibility to give the fans something very special to make for a historic night in boxing.


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