Kevin Kelley is the one blowing Smoke

By Derrick "Smoke" Gainer


Kevin Kelley is the one blowing Smoke

"First of all, I do have respect for Kevin but he's not being real with himself. By no means will I ever try to blow smoke at anyone. The first fight was very interesting and he won the fight, the second fight I won, I won the fight cleanly and I never pushed him down. For him to say that he doesn't want to fight me again but he wants to fight Manuel Medina, confuses me. Everyone knows that Manuel Medina just got knocked out in his last fight and I stopped Medina. What he's really trying to tell you is that he wants nothing to do with Smoke Gainer in the ring. Because how can you say you don't want to fight me but then turn around and say you're going to fight somebody I stopped. What does he prove by fighting Medina? I give him credit for winning the title after I knocked him out, but I think it point towards what kind of fighter he is when he'd prefer to fight guys that I destroyed years ago. I just hope he's ready for his next fight and comes out on top so we can make it happen as soon as possible. And if he ain't ready he probably won't beat Medina, in which case I'd be happy to give Medina a rematch for the whooping I gave him. Stop trying to fast talk the boxing community Kevin, you're saying nobody wants to see us fight but who the hell wants to see you fight Manuel Medina? I told you before G, if he ever wants to make it happen he doesn't go eight rounds with me, so we'll see where Kevin's head is at after this next fight.