GL: What's the latest and greatest with Kendall Holt? What's the status of your protest with the WBO? "The latest is Kendall is the uncrowned champion of the world. The protest, [my attorney] Pat English and I met yesterday and there was some interesting stuff on the video that Pat showed me about the referee. When the referee called the knockdown, he helped Ricardo Torres up and didn't wipe his gloves or anything. Pat Enlgish has to be the best attorney in boxing. He has tons of slow motion video we're submitting to the WBO . He has still photos of every part of the fight that we're protesting."
GL: You're expecting the protest to lead to an immediate rematch correct?Kendall Holt: "An immediate rematch that is mandated by the WBO."
GL: would you be willing to fight him in Colombia again?KH: "You know what? I asked myself the same question and I've been thinking about it a lot, but you know what? I would definitely go back over there and beat him in his hometown. Without a doubt. As long as that security is taken cared of, I would go over there in a heartbeat."
GL: When are you expecting to hear back from the WBO?KH: "The protest was sent to them so they should be getting it today and the deadline for them to get back to us is ten days from Monday."
GL: So basically right now you've just got tunnel vision for Ricardo Torres.KH: "That's it. I've already resumed my training and everything. I'm positive that there's going to be an immediate rematch and I'm going after him. My manager and trainer want me to stick to safe boxing, but I'm coming after him. I won't get wreckless, but what I am going to do is get a lot more aggressive than I did in the past."
GL: What's the status of your legal dispute with Dino Duva?KH: "There's going to be a hearing on the 21st of September. Dino, as far as I'm concerned, the contract is over and has expired. I hear he wants to sit down and that's a good thing. Before all this got out of hand, me and my manager had just started working together and he knew that the contract was coming to an end, so he sent Dino a letter saying that and Dino had a fit. He got pissed off and all my manager was doing was letting him know it's coming to an end so when do you want to sit down. Dino took it out of context, cursed my manager out and all that, but there was no need for that because all he was doing was his job."
GL: Can we expect your next fight to take place with a different promoter?KH: "Money talks. That's all I can say, money talks."
GL: Are you disappointed that the fight didn't get shown in America?KH: "The Colombian fans were a little outraged as well. Not the ones who were attacking me in my corner, but the fans were actually coming up to me telling that what happened wasn't right.
GL: How hurt were you in the eleventh round?KH: "Not hurt. When he hit me, he caught me with a good punch. I was a little fuzzy, but I knew where I was at and I knew what was going on. After that, I was trying to let the ref know I was slipping and he hit me again. I wasn't hurt where I couldn't continue. He caught me with a couple of shots, but they weren't hard because I was in his chest buying some time. I was just waiting for the right opportunity to come back and hit him. He wasn't swarming me with punches, he wasn't throwing extremely hard punches. As you seen that time was coming, but the only flush thing that landed was the shot that he knocked me down with and the shot he hit me with when I told the referee to clean the ring."