Kelly Pavlik Endorses Hillary Clinton at Campaign Rally

By Matt Goldstein


Kelly Pavlik Endorses Hillary Clinton at Campaign Rally

Pavlik: Hillary is My Kind of Fighter

Undisputed Middleweight Champion Kelly “The Ghost” Pavlik got his feet wet in politics earlier today endorsing Hillary Clinton for president at an Ohio campaign rally.  Ohio is a key state for the primary and if Hillary does not win Ohio or Texas, most political experts believe the primary will be all but over and a clear path for Barak Obama to secure the democratic nomination for President of the United States.  Kelly Pavlik was quoted as saying, “Hillary is my kind of fighter.”  A Kelly Pavlik endorsement might seem a little silly in the overall scheme of things but the Ohio native is hugely popular in the state and might be just the push that Hillary needs to win.  The polls indicate a slight edge to Clinton, but are very close and the state could swing either way.  Source: Associated Press