Juan Diaz paints a twelve-round masterpiece


Juan Diaz paints a twelve-round masterpiece

Surprisingly, judges call it a split decision

Juan Diaz W12 Michael Katsidis... Former lightweight champion Juan Diaz masterfully outboxed an aggressive Michael Katsidis to win a battle between two of the most exciting 135-pound boxers in the world. Surprisingly, it was scored a split decision for Diaz when he appeared to win it outright.  Diaz, fighting in his hometown of Houston, Texas, got the nod on the scorecards: 115-113 Katsidis, overruled by 116-112 and 115-113. It was a very good fight, but not the classic that some hoped it would be. Still, Diaz's ring generalship was a marvel, as he turned and circled away from Katsidis and stayed off the ropes despite Katsidis' best efforts to put him there. Diaz also was able to create punching room for himself even though Katsidis was trying to smother him. Diaz's offense was effective too: his jab opened two cuts, one above Katsidis' left eye and one below the right eye, which was nearly closed. The HBO announcers criticized Katsidis' corner for not telling him he was behind, but while HBO thought Diaz was putting round after round in the bank, the judges had it very close and Katsidis corner perceived the situation more accurately than the HBO crew. After an exciting finish, both men raised their hand as if they though they won. Diaz, not Katsidis was correct, but Katsidis was classy in defeat, refusing to do anything but congratulate Diaz. source: hbo boxing after dark