Joel Casamayor ready to make an example of Santa Cruz

By G. Leon


Joel Casamayor ready to make an example of Santa Cruz

GL: Can you give us some thoughts on your reunion with Joe Goossen and what lead to that decision? "I feel really comfortable with Joe. I was with him for five years and I felt most comfortable with him. I haven't fought in a year and I just felt it was the right time for us to get back together. He gives real hard work and good sparring and I want to be as sharp as I can be for November 10. I was happier than ever when I was first with him and now I'm happier than ever again."

GL: Can you comment on him working your opponents corner for your last fight and now you're together again?

Joel Casamayor: "This game is a business and families have to eat. I made a move and we seperated and that move hurt me a little bit in the second fight, but the third fight things had already been different. I feel like it's me in the ring regardless, but I'm very comfortable with Joe in my corner."

GL: Can you tell us what you know about Santa Cruz?

JC: "I know him pretty good. I sparred with him for the first Corrales fight and the third Corrales fight. He must be mistaken if he thinks this year has made me older. He knows exactly who I am and he was a good friend of mine in camp, but now it's war and the next eight weeks are going to be war until we get to November 10. I tell you one thing, Santa Cruz isn't going to be standing for the final bell."

GL: Even though you're considered the best lightweight in the world, at your age after being off for so long, must you make a statement on November 10 to remain in consideration for future mega fights?

JC: "Definitely. I haven't fought in a year and this is my chance to shine. I feel like I have to knock Santa Cruz dead to prove my point. These guys are runners. David Diaz is a runner. Julio Diaz, Michael Katsidis, they're all running from me. The only way they're going to have to fight me is if TV wants me and because of that Santa Cruz has a price on his head and it's going to be very ugly for those sitting at ringside."

GL: Who do you like in the Diaz-Diaz fight?

JC: "They're both bums and I don't like to make predictions when two bums fight. Anytime two bums get together anytime can happen. Neither one of them really has any kind of ability. The bottom line is I'm the best lightweight in the world and they have to come see me after November 10. Hopefully Katsidis is there, he's supposed to be the next star and we're ready to destroy him as well. To be honest with you, if Diaz doesn't want to fight and Barrera and Pacquiao want to move up, I'm ready to fight them."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

JC: "This is a fight we're going to be well prepared for. We have eight weeks to get ready. I've already been in camp for two weeks and I want Santa Cruz to train his ass off because on November 10 El Diablo is going to be in the ring."


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