Joe Mesi eyes July return, showdown with Rahman for later this year

By G. Leon


Joe Mesi eyes July return, showdown with Rahman for later this year

GL: It's been a minute since we've had you on Boxingtalk, what's the latest and greatest Joe? "As you know I was supposed to box June 2 in Lake Charles, Louisiana and I had to pull out due to some minor back injuries that I feel I've already recovered from. It was a minor disc herniation and they kind of act up from time to time. Now I'm hoping to get a date in July. The where, the when and the who has not been determined, but we're trying to get a July date, hopefully televised. I should know more within the next couple of days. I'm already in training and I hope that comes through."

GL: Your HBO contract is still intact. When can we expect to see you back on HBO?

Joe Mesi: "We're hoping that we get back there very soon. Realistically speaking I'd like to get an ESPN or Fox type fight. I've had a couple of tune ups and I'm ready to go. I feel like I'm on top of my game again, but I figure with one or two more fights like that I'll be back on HBO by the end of the summer."

GL: How will it be before we can expect you to seek relicensing in New York?

Joe Mesi: "I think after a couple of these fights. In a realistic world, if I get that televised fight and then get on the major network at the end of the summer I'll have more ground to stand on. I'm collecting a whole bunch of letters from local politicians and we're filing a letter with people supporting that I get relicensed. This is no longer a medical issue. It's political and we're going to send a letter to Governor Spitzer. When they see how I'm boxing now and how fit I am, I believe this will get turned around so I can fight in Western New York."

GL: Not being able to fight there makes it unable for you to maximize your economic potential.

JM: "It does. And it hurts the area. Every fight that I make I'm out a lot of money by not being able to fight here. The sport, I was watching some heavyweight fights and whether they are title fights or not this division needs some excitement. It needs 18-20,000 people in the stands for a heavyweight fight. My fights are exciting whether you like me or not and they generate money. They generate money for my opponent and everyone else who gets to fight for the card. I don't need to fight in Western New York to become heavyweight champion, but obviously it's best for everyone if I do."

GL: Hasim Rahman appeared to be your primary target a few months ago is that still the case?

JM: "I'll be at his fight next Thursday. I'll be in Rochester at Ringside and I hope to talk to him before and after his fight. Hopefully we can work something out and we hope it can be in this area. We can fight anywhere, but he wants to fight here as well so it makes a lot of sense and I'm hoping we can get something done. I think this fight makes sense for a lot of reasons, we have an amatuer history, we've both fought in this area a lot and he's on his way out and I'm on my way up. I have a few guy that I have my eye on and I just want to get in to the top ten. I'm taking small steps. I'm ranked twenty something in the WBC and with a couple of televised wins I'll be back in the top ten."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

JM: "Just continue to be patient, I'd appreciate that because you'll be seeing the best of me soon. I'm going to be better than I was before so stay with me because I appreciate your support."


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