Jirov speaks on fighting James Toney and much more

By G. Leon


Jirov speaks on fighting James Toney and much more

GL: What's the latest and greatest Vassiliy? "The news now is the James Toney and Vassiliy Jirov rematch. It's what I'm getting ready for. I don't know the date yet, but it will probably be sometime in August. Not sure, but that's not important I just want to get him in the ring again."

GL: You have wanted this fight for a long time, but we haven't seen you in action for quite some time. Are you sure you're ready for this kind of a fight following such a layoff?

Vassiliy Jirov: "I'm ready for it. I'm back to working hard and I don't see no problem. I know Toney very well and I know what I need to do to beat him. This time off has helped me rest my body. I feel different now I"m feel tough, confident and more relaxed. I know it's my game and it's my time to get back to where I belong. I will have a lot of fun in this fight."

GL: Do you think James Toney is the same fighter from when you fought him four years ago?

VJ: "I don't know and I don't really care because this fight is not going to be about him it's going to be about me."

GL: Will this be your last fight at heavyweight?

VJ: "Yep."

GL: What will you do differently in the rematch that you didn't do in the first fight?

VJ: "Like everyone else in boxing KGB, you will have to wait and see."

GL: Right kind of work have you been doing?

VJ: "I've been working to bring my condition to the top. Since I no fight in a while I've been doing some sparring so by the time I get in to the ring people can ready to see explosion."

GL: You're still planning on figting at cruiserweight, correct?

VJ: "Yes. Right now I am a cruiserweight. I will fight James Toney at heavyweight because I know he cannot make the weight. But after I'm done with James Toney I will be fighting at cruiserweight and I"m coming back for all the belts."

GL: Do you feel that this fight is do or die for you?

VJ: "No. But James Toney is not a monster, I can walk through him or walk to him. It doesn't matter. I'm not an egomaniac but I know I will win this fight."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

VJ: "I'm going to even the score with James Toney to make everyone smile and it's going to be a big year for me so continue to support me. I will be back. I'm in good spirits and ready to fight."


Send questions and comments to: gleon@boxingtalk.com