Jimmy Burchfield fires back at Ishe Smith

By James Alden


Jimmy Burchfield fires back at Ishe Smith

JA: I know that you saw Ishe Smith’s comments regarding the press release that CES issued regarding a possible fight between Ossie Duran and Ishe. May I have your thoughts on what Ishe had to say?  “I don’t know where he gets off thinking that he is an HBO fighter. He then talks about Ossie Duran having five losses, Ossie Duran has more skill than anyone Ishe has fought. Let’s talk about Ossie’s six straight wins in his last six fights. If Ishe wants to fight fighters who are 5-7, go for it. It’s mind boggling to think that he is an HBO fighter, he’s making it sound like because of Ossie Duran, that is why he can’t get an HBO date. The way he is talking, I’m just wondering if he is drinking or he’s on something.

JA: Have you had any more conversations with Eric Gomez regarding a possible fight with Ishe (Matchmaker for Goldenboy Promotions).

Jimmy Burchfield: The last time I talked to Eric was about seven days ago. I called him and told him that would you be interested in Ishe fighting Ossie, he told me that he would get back to me. He never got back to me so I called him again, and then he got back to me. He said are you ready to fight, we said yes, he asked would Duran take the fight, Duran said yes, and then he said OK let me get back to you. Since then, I haven’t heard from him. Ishe talks about Ossie having five losses, well in his two fights back from the contender, he fought Patrick Thompson who was 10-5 at the time, then fights Oscar Gonzalez who is 9-6. At the end of the day, Ossie Duran beats Ishe Smith, and I think Ishe knows that.

JA: When will you move to plan B if you don’t hear from Eric Gomez?

Jimmy Burchfield: We’ve already moved on to plan B because I can see that Smith doesn’t want to fight him because he is scared of him. Let him continue to fight guys who are 10-5 and 9-6.

JA: Travis Walker- Jason Estrada will be getting it on Shobox. Let me get your thoughts on that fight?

Jimmy Burchfield: Kudos go to Goosen-tutor and team Walker for accepting this fight. I would also like to thank Showtime for putting this fight on their network. Jason beat Travis three times in the amateurs, everyone tells me that the professional ranks are a lot different than the amateurs, and I agree with that. I think that this is a great opportunity for both fighters, this is what boxing needs. For team Estrada to not even hesitate to go to California and fight Travis Walker shows you that they are willing to fight the best in the world, he doesn’t want to waste time. Some people have told me that Jimmy you are putting him in too soon with a guy like Travis Walker, NO, he has over 300 amateur fights, he represented the United States of America in the Olympics, I believe he is ready and he will show it on November 17th.

“Jason is looking great in training camp and I know that a lot of people are still criticizing Jason for the Olympics and with some of his fights that he had before, that’s old history. We are not looking ahead of Travis Walker, but this is how much confidence that I have in him, I have put Jason on the December 1st show at the Convention Center in Providence, RI. That’s how much faith I have in Jason “Big Six” Estrada.

JA: Gary Balletto will be making his return to the ring in Providence, RI on December 1st. Tell us about it.

Jimmy Burchfield: It’s great to have Gary Balletto back fighting in Providence, RI. He called me and said “Jimmy, I want to continue my career and I know in my heart that I can become world champion”. Gary Balletto will be fighting 20-1 Matt Strode, he is a good fighter coming to Providence to beat Gary. The phones have not stopped ringing for this great show. We have Missy Fiorentino fighting on the card. We’ve been trying to get Cindy Serrano in the ring to fight us, but they continue to turn us down. They said we don’t want to go to Providence to fight Missy, we said OK, we will go to New York and fight you, since then we haven’t heard from them. Cindy Serrano and Ishe Smith have the same thing in common, they don’t want to fight real fighters. Matt Godfrey will also be on the card. Team Godfrey is so easy to work with, it’s unbelievable and let me tell you something Jim, 2007 will be the year for Matt Godfrey, you thought that 2006 was big, just wait until 2007. I’m predicting a world title for him. Like I said earlier, Jason Estrada will be on the card as well. Also on that night we will be honoring “The Ripper” Ralph Zinneli, we will be inducting him into the “CES hall of fame”.

JA: Sounds like your going to have a stacked show Jimmy, but will you have to have a stack full of cash to get in?

Jimmy Burchfield: I’m glad you asked that question. No, you don’t have to have a stack of cash to come watch a great night of boxing. We have tickets for 30 dollars, 55 dollars and a few for 100 dollars. For students, we have a special price of 20 dollars.


Send questions and comments to: jamesalden@boxingtalk.com