Jimmy Adams, Bowe's Manager replys to Holdens News Flash
Jimmy Adams, Bowe's Manager replys to Holdens News Flash
By Jimmy Adams
By Jimmy Adams
I am just shocked at Mr. Holdens statement and his news flash. Within a week Mr. Holden has shocked me on 3 occasions. Earlier this week I read where he resigned from being Mesi's promoter. I thought man what a sellout this man must be... I mean Joe is dealing with enough with his situation at hand and then Joe hears his promoter turned his back on him and goes public with it like he is some good guy for walking away... With the commissions we have at hand, they would tell Joe, he can't fight and won't let him fight, and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Joe promoting or not promoting. So, I feel sorry for Joe Mesi to have had a (in my opinion) one way promoter like Tony Holden. Then secondly I am in the OKC Commission Office this morning where Bowe was licensed and I was shocked by a statement that was made to me that Holden was saying that if any commissioner that worked the Sept. 25, 2004 with Bowe would never be used again on a Holden Promotion. So of course I was just thinking, whats up, does he believe he is more powerful than the commission..... I mean does Tony Holden not respect the commission of Okla. to be able to do their job or is he concern that there might be a bigger showing than he ever put on in that state. Bowe took and summitted every test to the commission from head to toe. Bowe even took a MRI yesterday and passed with flying color... So where is Holdens doctor degree. Who is he to say if Bowe is ready, willing or able. I have to say that is whats wrong with boxing. Promoters and Managers wants to be bigger than boxing. They don't care about anything but themselves making money over the fighter and thats what happening here. Tony Holden you don't fit in here. Then 3rd I get home and I check the net on boxing news and I read this news flash from Tong Holden. Tony have you seen any of Bowe's medical records to fairly make the statement about Riddick Bowe. And Tony would you please show proof to the Fightnews.com readers and also to Bowes fans even in court documents that Bowe said that he suffered brain damage... You stated that Bowe on his own admission said this, which is a lie, at no time of the whole trial did Bowe ever even take the stand. Sorry, Tony I disagree with you about this event giving boxing a black eye... Its people like you who think they are bigger than boxing who hurt the business.... Why don''t you just stick to promoting and let the commission do the job that they are so good at. I do believe Bowe deserves a chance and he has taken all test required and we would be more than happy to take them for you also... I truly believe if people who claim they love boxing so much would just come together and work together to improve the sport of boxing we would see a difference for the good. God Bless you Tony and I wish you well in any upcoming promotion you may have.