Jerson Ravelo Wants Jeff Lacy and Rematch with Allan Green

By Darren Nichols


Jerson Ravelo Wants Jeff Lacy and Rematch with Allan Green

"A fight with Green will happen either in an elimination bout or when we have both have titles."

BoxingTalk:  Jerson, the last time we saw you in the ring was last March against Paul Buchanan.  What have you been up to since that fight?

Jerson Ravelo:  I broke my hand in that fight.  I came back, and I was suppose to get surgery, but another doctor said therapy was good enough.  So I went back to the sym and broke my hand again.  This all happened about three weeks ago, and I’m starting therapy this week.  

BoxingTalk:  Have you been staying in shape in the gym while awaiting your next fight?

Jerson Revelo:  I run almost every day.  My weight is down.  I never go past 178, I’m 174 now.  I want to get back in there.  This is why my career has gone so slowly.  It’s the fifth time I’ve broken my hand.

BoxingTalk:  When can we expect to see you in the ring next?

Jerson Ravelo: You’re going to see a title run.  Two tune-up fights and then I'm jumping right in there.  I don’t mean fighting any bums.  I want to fight Alan Green, but he’s not going to fight me.   It will come down to where he has to fight me.  We’re in the same weight class.  A fight with Green will happen either in an elimination bout or when we have both have titles.

BoxingTalk:  Who do you have on your radar that will allow you to get to where you want to be in your career?

Jerson Ravelo:  I’ve been wanting to fight Jeff Lacy since early on in my career.  Golden Boy still owes me two fights, and so now that Lacy is signed with them, I could fight him.  One of those fights could be with Jeff.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel 2008 has in store for Jerson Ravelo?

Jerson Ravelo:  As soon as I get healthy I’m going to give a lot of guys in my division problems.  I’m going to give problems with whoever they put in front of me.  I fought three rounds in three years when I fought Alan Green, so I don’t shy away from challenges.  I don’t talk about money, I just know I can beat anybody.

BoxingTalk:  What would you like to say to your fans in closing?

Jerson Ravelo:  There’s a lot of people who know what I’ve been through, but they don’t know that I’ve been injured.  So to those people who have always supported me, thank you, and just know that whoever they put in front of me they’re going to have a tough time.  When I get healthy, we’re going for a title run.



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