Jaffa Ballagou to return to the ring

By Brad Cooney


Jaffa Ballagou to return to the ring

Former WBA super middleweight title challenger Jaffa Ballogou (45-6-39KO) is making a comeback. Ballogou had some personal issues to deal with, and with all of them behind him now, he's ready to step back into the ring and resume his boxing career. His last appearance in the ring was back in June of 2006, where he scored a 10 round unanimous decision over Lawrence Chapman. Jaffa's most notable fight was back in July of 1997, where he lost a WBA super middleweight title bid to then champion Frankie Liles.

BT – Jaffa we haven't seen you in the ring since June of 2006. Tell the fans where you have been?

JB – The last few years I have had some legal issues, I got them behind me now. I am back in the business of boxing now, for real. The legal problems are all behind me now, and I am 100 percent focused on getting my career going, and to be champion.

BT – What are your goals for 2008?

JB – I will fight at light heavyweight, and I want to become a champion. I don't see any exciting fights in the light heavyweight division. The division is weak right now, I will show the whole world that I am the best light heavyweight in the world right now. Whoever these so called fighters call themselves, I will knock them out, they don't have a chance against me.

BT – You came up short in your bid for a title against Frankie Liles back in 1997. How long do you think it will take you to position yourself back into another title shot?

JB – I would like to fight a couple of fights first, two or three fights. I still believe that I won that fight against Frankie Liles, they took it away from me. If anyone watches that fight they can make their own decision on who won that fight.

BT – When can the fans expect to see you back in the ring?

JB – I am looking at May 18th right now. I do not know who my opponent will be, but I am training, and I don't really care who the opponent will be because I will be taking care of business.

BT – You are known for devastating knockout power. Do you still posses the same strength?

JB – I haven't lost any of my strength, I have the same power as I have always had. I will show the entire boxing world on May 18th how much power I have. When they see the fight, they will say 'Ahhh, Jaffa is back.'

BT – Have you signed a promotional contract?

JB – I have signed a contract with Gary Shaw promotions. Gary has done good things for other boxers, so I am glad he is giving me a try.

BT – Is there anyone in the light heavyweight division that does impress you?

JB – I respect them, but I am going to show all of them. When it comes to skills, I will show all of them what I have.

BT – Do you have any closing thoughts for the fans?

JB – I want to tell them that Jaffa Ballogou on May 18th will show everybody that I am back. On May 18th, it's going to be for real, so come out and cheer for me because boxing has gone down. I bring excitement to the ring, I want all of the fans to come out and see the real Jaffa Ballogou, I am the real deal, my record speaks for itself.


Send questions and comments to: boxingtalkbrad@yahoo.com