Ishe Smith responds to Burchfield!

By Brad Cooney


Ishe Smith responds to Burchfield!

BT - Ishe, CES Jimmy Burchfield's press release talks about a fight offer that would match you and Ossie Duran, what is your response ? "My response is that if HBO wants to pick this fight up, I would do it. I never heard of this guy, I have a very capable promotion company in Golden Boy Promotions, and Eric Gomez one of the best matchmakers in the business. We are looking at bigger names like Verno Phillips, and a big fight that HBO will accept. This guy has 5 losses, and he really hasn't fought anybody. I saw one of his fights by accident. I was going to check out Joey Spina's fight, and this guy Duran was on the DVD. I almost fell asleep, I had to fast forward the DVD to get to my boy Joey Spina's fight. I know this guy is looking for a fight, and if HBO wants to pick it up fine, but I am not looking to go backwards. I have already let Eric Gomez that I want to go forward, and I want to fight a big name, and fight a big name next year.

BT - So is it fair to say that Duran doesn't impress you, and the only way you would fight him is if HBO would pick the fight up, where the money is  ?

IS - That's fair to say because this guy has 5 losses, and he's unattractive. It doesn't make sense for Jimmy Burchfield to go on the record and call me out. I'm not like these other guys like Jesse Brinkley, I am a well known guy and I can fight. This guy is not an exciting fighter, he has 5 losses, and that's a lot of losses on a record. I can beat this guy with one arm tied behind my back, and my eyes blindfolded. If HBO wants to pick it up, I will do it but that's the only way I would.

BT - So if Burchfield can get HBO interested, your response to Burchfield is, call your promoter and matchmaker ?

IS - Exactly, that's what it is. If Gomez calls me and tells me that HBO is interested in the fight, then make the fight. I am not going backwards, and I know what I want to accomplish, and if Ossie Duran is not in my plans to get me a title by next year, then it's not going to happen.

BT - Closing thoughts Ishe ?

IS - Thanks for the support, and look for me to come back really soon.


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