Ishe Smith Out to Dominate Joel Julio on April 30th

by Darren Nichols


Ishe Smith Out to Dominate Joel Julio on April 30th

"I will impress and I will show I’m a major player in the boxing world."

BoxingTalk:  Ishe, how is preparation going for your April 30th fight with Joel Julio?

Ishe Smith:  It’s going great.  Everything I’m being taught by Roger Mayweather, I’m soaking it all in.  I started camp on Monday, and it’s been the toughest three days in the gym I’ve ever had.  Roger is the best trainer I’ve been with in my entire career.

BoxingTalk:  Do you feel you and your team have set up a successful gameplan to defeat Julio?

Ishe Smith:  I’m not concerned about Julio.  I’m learning from Roger and fighting the best I can fight.  Whatever Julio is working on, that’s up to him.

BoxingTalk:  How will this training camp be different from some of your previous camps?

Ishe Smith:  I’m staying at home this time.  Since I have three kids, it’s tough to be away for two months.  Also, having a guy like Roger and bringing him on board has been a plus.

BoxingTalk:  Do you feel this is the biggest fight of your career?

Ishe Smith:  I don’t’ know if it’s the biggest.  I had some big fights with David Estrada, Randall Bailey, and Sechew Powell.  I would say that this fight is the most significant and important fight I’ve had because of the stage I’m in.  It’s not only important to win this fight, but to also look impressive doing it.

BoxingTalk:  How does this fight for you compare to some of your other big fights that you had with Randall Bailey, Sechew Powell, and Sergio Mora?

Ishe Smith:  This fight is on par with all those fights.  My fight with Mora was probably the top three fights of the Contender series.  This fight with Julio is important and we’re on neutral ground where I will have as many fans as he does.  You will see me do what I do best in Canada.  This is my first main event on ESPN, and it’s a very important fight for me, and I’m taking it seriously.

BoxingTalk:  Why did you decide to take this fight with Julio?

Ishe Smith:  He has a very good ranking and is very good opponent.  I fought Alfonso Gomez in my third fight, and I fought guys people wouldn’t want to fight so early in their career.  Julio is another example that I will fight the best the division has to offer.

BoxingTalk:  How much does a victory against Julio make your stock rise in the boxing world?

Ishe Smith:  Huge.  But I’m not just wanting to win, but win impressively.  I want to dominate.

BoxingTalk:  Will this fight against Julio go the distance?

Ishe Smith:  I don’t know.  I’m not a big fight predictor.  I will say this: I will be in the best shape come April 30th.  Roger will have me in the best shape and I don’t get paid time and a half for overtime.  I will impress and I will show I’m a major player in the boxing world.

BoxingTalk:  What would you like the fans to know about you as you prepare for this fight with Julio?

Ishe Smith:  I’m training hard and I’m ready to go.


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