Iranian Boxer and Coach Refused U.S. Travel Visas

By Matt Goldstein


Iranian Boxer and Coach Refused U.S. Travel Visas

Fighter Barred from World Championships Because of Diplomatic Difficulties

Iranian amateur welterweight standout Mohammad Sattarpour and his coach have been denied travel visas needed to enter the United States.  A Bronze medalist in the 2006 Asian Games, Sattarpour was to fight in the World Boxing Championships scheduled to take place in Chicago from October 23rd to November 3rd.  Although the World Championships are not necessary to qualify for the Olympics, the World Championships play a significant role in a fighter’s bracket placement and ranking, which of course can have a major impact on the outcome.  With Fidel Castro barring the Cuban Boxing Team from competing in the World Championships for fear of their defection, and now U.S. and Iranian diplomatic complications barring Sattarpour, this year’s amateur tournament in Chicago is ringing out with political hostility.  Source: Press TV Iran     Â