Interview: Montell "Ice" Griffin!

By Dominic Fernandez


Interview: Montell "Ice" Griffin!

Dominic Fernandez:  Your fight is next week in one word sum up your training camp in?

Montell Griffin:  Perfect. 

Dominic Fernandez:  What fights did you study of Julio Gonzalez?

MG:  The fight he lost the title in.

DF:  So whats been on your mind these past few days beside boxing? Has it been the N.B.A. playoffs?

MG:  Yup!  Man Im just mad that my boys The San Antonio Spurs lost their first game against Denver.

DF:  What?  Your a Spurs fan? Man San Antonio is my hometown!  Dont sweat that first loss.  Every year our boys have won the title they always ended up losing the first game in the playoffs.  1999' we lost game 1 to Minnesota.

MG:  Your right and in 2003 we lost our first game to
DF:  In order for us to win this series Tony Parker has to step up bro.

MG:  Your right man but Andre Miller will never shoot like that again for the rest of his carrer but still tony needs to step up.

DF:  What made you become a Spurs fan?

MG:  Man back in 98' when Jordan retired I fell in Love with Tim Duncan.  Ever since then San Antonio has been my favorite basketball team. 

DF:  Thats awesome Brother!!  Im with you on this!!  Any last words you want to say before your big fight?

MG:  Yeah all "Ice Man" fans be ready for a great fight
cause Montell Griffin is gonna put on a show for you.

DF:  Win, Lose or Draw Im gonna ask for an interview after the fight.

MG:  Yeah no problem after I win I'll be glad to finally see you in person.

DF:  Me too and Montell I wish you the best and I'll see you on the 5th of May!

Monetll Griffin: You bet.