Hopkins-Wright winner best fighter of this generation?


Hopkins-Wright winner best fighter of this generation?

Let the debate begin!

Is it possible that the winner of this weekend's world light heavyweight championship between Bernard Hopkins and "Ronald" Winky Wright will be the fighter of this generation? No other boxers have a resume as deep and accomplished within this time frame.  Hopkins already has wins over Trinidad, De La Hoya, Joppy, Homes and Tarver.   If Winky is successful, he will have two wins over Shane Mosley, a win over Trinidad, a loss to Fernando Vargas that many feel he won and a draw with Taylor that could also have gone his way.  Does any other fighter have such an accomplished resume this past decade?  If there were another fighter to contend for top honors of this generation, it could be Manny Pacquiao with his win over Barerra and two wins over Morales.  If Pacquiao is successful in his rematch with Barerra and has a convincing win over Juan Manuel Marquez, perhaps he could throw his hat in the race.  Of course, Floyd Mayweather with wins over De La Hoya, Corrales, Castillo and Gatti deserves consideration, but does he need more wins over marquee names such as Mosley, Hatton or Cotto?  Mosley would probably need wins over 2 or more marquee names as well. Let the debate begin by sending comments to Matt Goldstein at boxingtalk@gmail.com.   Â