Hazzard Claims he was Fired for Opposing Unsafe Practices

By Matt Goldstein


Hazzard Claims he was Fired for Opposing Unsafe Practices

Was a Fighter Allowed Fight Without Proof of a Negative HIV Test?

Larry Hazzard was the New Jersey State Athletic Commissioner for 22 years.  Yesterday, Hazzard was fired and escorted from the building.  The well respected former commissioner now claims that he was fired for opposing unsafe practices.  The Newark Star Ledger reports that Hazzard wrote a letter to the Governor Corzine that an employee of the State Athletic Control Board had approved MMA mismatches, permitted a fighter to fight even though that fighter had not provided proof of a negative HIV test, and allowed promoters to shop around for doctors who would clear their fighters.  New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram simply stated that “it was time for a change.”  Whether or not Hazzard was fired for complaining about the unsafe practices, mismatches, allowing a fighter to fight without proof of a negative HIV test and allowing promoters to doctor shop are clearly serious issues.  Source: AOL Sports