Harris to Corley: Sign the contract now!

By G. Leon


Harris to Corley: Sign the contract now!

After suffering a loss against Carlos Maussa last June, Vivian Harris has come back to get impressive back to back wins and is ready once again to fight for a title. “I feel great,” states Harris, “and I am ready to take on anyone from 140lbs.-147lbs. within the next couple of months. I’d love to challenge Miguel Cotto on December 2nd at 140lbs or 147lbs. I think he is a very talented fighter and this is the type of fight I need to prove that I still can bang with the big dogs and one that fans would love. If that doesn’t happen I am telling Chop Chop to step up to the plate and if he is so confident that he is coming back to the U.S with a title let’s sign the contract now!” Manager Jose Nunez, stated, “It’s unlikely that Chop Chop will ever take a fight with Vivian. He is aware of his talent and power. If he does win that title he is going to try to avoid us and start calling out Oscar’s name like everyone else does after a win. Harris closed off by saying, “Oscar doesn’t have time for Chop Chop, all he is is Mayweather’s baggage handler. He doesn’t intimidate me and he should have Don King contact Gary Shaw now! I wish him a lot of luck with Witter, and just hope that he is ready for me when he comes back.”