Goossen fires back at Duva

By G. Leon


Goossen fires back at Duva

I read with astonishment this morning the comments by Sam Peter's promoter, Dino Duva, on BoxingTalk.  It is so clear that he not only believes James Toney beat Peter, but a rematch would only be a repeat of the first fight, which is why he's fighting so hard to prevent it.  The only thing I have agreed with Dino during this process is that it was a great and exciting fight.  Bigger than any recent heavyweight fight both in hype, and in excitement.  The rematch, if granted by the WBC, would only be bigger than the first and far exceeds any immediate heavyweight matchup in the near future.  Why wouldn't these two heavyweights want to do this again?  Because Dino knows that Peter was the best he could ever be, and James can only be better, which spells disaster for Peter and Duva with a capital D.  Keep in mind our attendance hit 10,000 and it was one of the highest rated shows on all of Showtime this year, all on the biggest holiday getaway weekends of the year.
Can you imagine that he states that "in this particular instance the WBC should take his actions into consideration aside from the boxing aspect of it all" being the determining factor in not ordering an immediate rematch?  If this was the case Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Roberto Duran and many, many other great champions of boxing would never be judged on their abilities inside the ring, which is where James Toney should be judged, but on their antics outside of it.
James was clearly the media (25 of 27 ringside media) and fan's overwhelming winner of his bout against Sam Peter, and because of such outcry and controversy he should be granted the immediate rematch by the WBC.