It's funny that Gary Shaw is using a famous Bob Arum quote, yesterday I was lying and today I'm telling the truth. He told you yesterday that he had met with me at the MGM during the Trinidad-Wright fight to discuss a potential De La Hoya fight. I was not at the fight nor in Vegas that weekend, so ask him again and he'll probably tell you that yesterday he was lying but today he's telling the truth. The fact is Arum offered him $6M plus $6 for every home over 600,000. He could have signed it accepted and Winky could have accepted it. In fact, Winky went on record, on Boxingtalk that had it been presented to him he would have signed it. If the promoter doesn't share the offer with his fighter, that is not our problem. Oscar's next opponent will most likely be the ever dangerous Ricardo Mayorga, assuming acceptable terms can be worked out. If not, we simply pick another opponent. Fact is, we've moved on and so should Gary. He should not be so obsessed with Oscar. Maybe they will get another chance. Hopefully this time they will take it. If not, we move on again and that's how the story goes.
As it relates to dates, we couldn't care less. He has his Showtime dates reserved, good for him. You don't hear us cry about it. I think his promotional company even has its own slogan, it's Shawtime. If Showtime and Shawtime have such a close relationship, I'm happy for them. Good luck this weekend Gary, we love you too. But please don't make us sit on your lap. I'd hate to disappoint him, but I don't think Oscar will be sitting on his lap.