Golden CEO Responds to Roy Jones Jr

By G. Leon


Golden CEO Responds to Roy Jones Jr

Earlier today Richard Schaefer contacted to make the following statement. "As it relates to the Roy Jones interview, first of all there's no need to use that kind of language. I'm sure there are minors reading It's totally inappropriate for him to talk like that. The deal we offered is in line with what Roy has made in his past few fights and what Bernardhas made in his. I consider that fair. Last I checked, there are no percentages in my wallet, only dollars. When you go to the store you're spending dollars and not percentages. If we offer a deal where Roy makes more than he has made in his past few fights, my suggestion is not to count Bernard's money, count yours. If there is a fight out there where you can make more than what you would make under the proposed structure then go ahead and do it, nobody is holding you back. Or if you want to go and fight a subpar opponent where you can take 90% of the money, you can do that as well. You may then have a bunch of percentages in your wallet, which will however never add up to what you can make in a fight with a superstar like Bernard Hopkins. Good luck to you end of story." Boxingtalk also spoke with light heavyweight king Bernard Hopkins, full exclusive interview and audios to follow first thing Monday morning.