Glen Johnson still waiting for RJ to show up for rematch

By Brad Cooney


Glen Johnson still waiting for RJ to show up for rematch

Boxingtalk sat down with former Light Heavyweight world champion, Glen Johnson.  The Road Warrior is coming off an impressive TKO win over former world champ, Montell Griffin. Johnson now sets his sights on IBF champion Clinton Woods, and in the meantime he takes a few shots at Roy Jones Jr.

BC - You recently beat Montell Griffin, how do you grade your performance?

GJ - I give myself a B -  I looked fairly good, but I still need to get a little sharper, and I would like to look a little bit more convincing.  I am grateful for the TKO over Griffin, but I wish I could have gotten him out of there a little bit earlier.

BC - Montell is a veteran guy who certainly knows how to fight, and he has beaten some of the games biggest names.

GJ - He's a very crafty fighters, he's good at giving the illusion that he's there to be hit, but in reality he's not.  He makes himself even smaller than he is, and he knows how to use that to his advantage.

BC - I saw vintage Glen Johnson, come forward and be the aggressor.

GJ - I had great energy, and I wasn't the slightest tired.  I felt like I could go another 10 rounds, and that was a good feeling.  I am my own worst critic though, I think that I could have done better.

BC - What part of your game do you think you could have done better?

GJ - Well I was out of the ring for a period of time, I saw a few things that I would have capitalized on.  I think I should have capitalized on a few things that I saw a little bit more.

BC - So being that your fight against Montell Griffin was an eliminator fight, is Clinton Woods your next opponent?

GJ - Either him or Julio Gonzalez, I have a vengeance against both of those guys, so it doesn't matter to me.

BC - If it's going to be Clinton Woods, do you want to fight him here instead of over in the UK?

GJ - Well they promised me that the fight will be here in the states.  We won the purse bid last time, but they chose to bring it to England because there was more television money over there. 

BC - You got a nice T.V fight win against Montell Griffin, and you have been on the record as saying that you would like to generate more American interest in your fights.  Do you think your win on ESPN did that for you?

GJ - I have been hearing that  a lot of people in the business were excited about my performance against Montell Griffin.  I am looking for a lot more of those opportunities to impress the American public, and I know that I can do that if given the opportunity.

BC - Of course the preference would be an HBO fight, but would you take another ESPN fight just to get back on T.V again?

GJ - Any television fight is what I want so long as it is showed in America, that is my goal.

BC - Roy Jones Jr will fight Hanshaw in Mississippi, what are your thoughts on that fight?

GJ - Roy Jones is confused, he tried to stop my fight with Montell Griffin.  He told us that he wanted to business with him instead of Montell, and I told him that there is no reason for us  not do business with Montell.  I told him that we can still do business with him after my fight with Montell Griffin.  Roy told us that he thought we might lose against Montell, so I told him if I lose it, move on and do business with someone else.  Well I ended up winning against Griffin, and now he wants to do business with someone else.  So I don't have anything else to say about him, he just seems determined to not go away, but while he is in the picture, he doesn't seem like he knows what he wants to do.

BC - So you're saying that Roy Jones Jr was trying to get you to put Montell Griffin on the shelf, and fight him instead?

GJ - Well the date that Roy was given us was still enough time for me to fight Montell.  We told him that we will not put our business on hold when we are not sure about anything with Roy Jones.  We were not going to disappoint the television network, and disappoint everyone involved with the fight with Montell, contracts were already signed.  Now I won, and we tried to get a hold of Roy, and he's doing business with someone else.  I think Roy is just trying to keep me out of the spotlight, so he can move on and claim that I am not available, or worthy.  I don't think he ever had serious thoughts to do business with me, I think he was just trying to keep me from fighting Montell Griffin so I wouldn't be back in the spotlight, that's my opinion.

BC - So what's the game-plan if you get the world title again?

GJ - Well right now I do not have a title, and it's seems impossible to get the major players to want to fight me.  Hopkins, Jones, Tarver, none of them want to get into the ring with me.  If I win a world title again, then maybe that will give these guys some initiative to want to fight me.  I am feeling sharp right now, I am not the best, but I am the baddest, and if any of these guys want to step into the ring with me, I will show them who's baddest.

BC - Out of Hopkins, Tarver, and Jones which is the biggest money fight for you?

GJ - I think the fight with Bernard Hopkins would be the money fight for me.  I want to fight him the most out of the three, I want the opportunity to avenge my loss against him.  Right now I feel great, and I would like my legacy to say that I beat Roy Jones, Antonio Tarver, and Bernard Hopkins.  All of the guys that have wins over me got wins by me being ripped off, instead of Hopkins.  Bernard is the only guy that really whooped me, so that's why I want him the most of all three.

BC - Is there anything that you would like to say to the fans in closing?

GJ - I want to thank Boxingtalk for all of the love and support that you guys have given me.  I want to thank all of my fans for sticking by me, and supporting me.  I am climbing back up, and nobody can stop me, I want to tell my fans that I will do my best to be world champion again.


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