GL: What's the latest and greatest with Glen Johnson? "Nothing much is moving right now. We've got Motell Griffin coming up on May 16 on ESPN on Wednesday night. That's going to be for the #1 ranking in the IBF and it should be a good fight."
GL: Montell is one of the few guys from this era that you haven't gotten it on with. What do you think of him as a fighter and how is it going down on May 16?Glen Johnson: "Like you said he's one of the guys I haven't got into the ring with so it's going to be a situation where I'm just getting another quality fight in before seeing if these guys are going to step up. Montell's a short guy and he's slick and he uses his height to his advantage, but he drops his left hand and I believe I will be able to expose that. He's a crafty guy with some tricks, but I've been in the ring long enough to figure them out."
GL: Are you disappointed that Antonio Tarver seems to want nothing to do with a rubbermatch?GJ: "Yeah, I'm definitely disappointed. I'm disappointed in a lot of guys. Roy Jones Jr has been doing everything he can to avoid another fight with me. Antonio Tarver is the same and the same goes for Bernard Hopkins. He knows that I'm one of the top guys now and he's fighting everybody else in different weight classes, but he doesn't want to fight me. Nobody has given me the opportunity. I don't know what I have to do to get these guys back in the ring but I'm just going to keep on winning and we'll see what happenes."
GL: I spoke with Roy Jones Jr the other night and he told me that he still feels like he's got some unfinished business with you. Right now they're talking about making Jermain Taylor-Jones if they both win their next fights, but if for whatever reason that doesn't happen can Roy consider your rematch done whenever he's ready."GJ: "Let me tell you something, Roy Jones Jr has had an open invitation since our first fight. He could've gotten the rematch right away all he has to do is ask for it. I've never avoided anyone and I'm looking for the fights. People are coming up with every excuse not to fight. Tarver, Hopkins, Roy and Calzaghe, they all come up with excuses not to fight instead of signing to fight. These guys talk about fighting, but when it comes down to it I'm the only guy who wants to get into the ring."
GL: Is the gameplan to be impressive on May 16 and then keep on trucking away until these guys want to fight you?GJ: "I'm going to let the public make this fight, I'm going to put a beating on this guy. What's happening is the networks and top fighters are looking to fight. I'm ready to provide a real challenge to any of these guys, but if the public keeps buying their fights it's going to be hard for them to stop looking for the easy way out. They should be forced to give the boxing fans the best fights out there. I'm a tough fight so why would they fight me when they could take another fight that they could win? They're getting paid by the network to fight celebrity names."
GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?GJ: "Right now I'm starving and I'm going to fight like it. Boxingtalk has always done wonderful work keeping me in the loop and I thank you for that. Fans can look forward to a great fight on May 19."
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