Glen Johnson blasts Roy Jones Jr

By Brad Cooney


Glen Johnson blasts Roy Jones Jr

Former world light heavyweight champion, Glen Johnson sat down with Boxingtalk and talked about a possible rematch against Roy Jones Jr.  Recently, word has come out that Johnson was on Jones short list as possible opponents, but Johnson has had just about enough of the "almost" fights.  Johnson calls Jones a girl, a coward, a punk, and a cry baby.  You don't want to miss this one!

BC - What's up man, what's the latest with you?

GJ - Not much, I'm just tired of these guys ducking me all of the time, that's what's up right now.

BC - Recently I informed Roy Jones Jr in Biloxi, MS that you said that all he has to do is sign on the dotted line, and he responded by saying that you had your chance and didn't take it.  What is your response to that?

GJ - Listen, Roy Jones is nothing but a punk, a big cry baby, he's a girl.  Every time we talk about fighting, he has a million and one excuses why we can't fight right now.  All he does is talk about fighting, he wants to fight everybody in the world but me.  Let him talking, when he's REALLY ready to fight, then we'll do it.

BC - What do you think it's going to take to get Roy Jones to fight you?

GJ - I have tried everything, so I don't know what it will take.  Me and Roy Jones fighting is more marketable than these guys that he's been fighting.  I keep calling these guys out, Tarver, Jones, Hopkins, and none of them want to fight me.  I know that I am one of the top fighters in the world, so I don't know why they don't want to fight me.

BC - Word has it that Roy Jones may come back to the Mississippi Coliseum, would you fight him there?

GJ - I'll fight Roy Jones in his bedroom, his living room, his kitchen, on top of his roof, it doesn't matter.  Let's just sign a contract, agree on the place and the money, and I will be there to kick his ass.

BC - Does Roy want too much money? or is it that they don't want to pay you the money you want? Or do you think Roy is just scared to fight you?

GJ - I think he's just scared to fight me, it's not money.  The same thing with all of these guys that are ducking me, that's the bottom line.

BC - What's the latest with you and Clinton Woods, didn't you win the eliminator by beating Montel Griffin?

GJ - Yes, I am ranked number 1 and Woods is staying injured as long as possible in order to not fight me.  He wants another title shot before he has to fight me, he has 9 months before he has to fight me.  He will take every second of those 9 months, I know he will.

BC - So it could be close to a year before you get your title shot against Woods?

GJ - I will have to take another fight before that, I am willing to take whatever, there is no fight that I am afraid of.  I am the most feared guy in boxing, that's evident.

BC - When do you want to fight again?

GJ - Within 2 months, depending on ESPN or Showtime.  I am just waiting for a good TV date, and we'll get back in the ring.

BC - American television has been shy to give you some love, do you think that has changed with your last two impressive victories?

GJ - I am feeling better about that, I mean I destroyed Roy Jones Jr. [a brutal KO9 in 2004], and the world saw it.  That should have been enough, I was the fighter of the year, I fought three of the toughest fights possible.  One thing people know about me, when I get in the ring they get 110 percent, the people get their monies worth when I get in there, so I don't know why I have a hard time with TV dates.

BC - Out of Hopkins, Tarver, and Jones, who do you want the most?

GJ - I want Hopkins, because he has a win over me.  I am fully developed now, and I don't see anyone in the world that can beat me right now.  Hopkins is the man right now, and I want to fight the best.  I always want to test myself against the best, and Hopkins is THE guy in the light heavyweight division, so he's who I want.

BC - How do you see yourself matching up against Hopkins the second time around?

GJ - I will knock out Bernard Hopkins within 5 rounds. 

BC - Glen do you have any closing thoughts to the fans?

GJ  - Yes, usually I tell my fans to be patient but I am not saying that this time.  I want to ask the fans to start making noise to get these guys to get in the ring with me.  Yell and make noise.  Thank you.


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