Giovanni Lorenzo's challenge to Vargas: Show me you're the best middleweight promoted by Main Events

By Socrates Palmer Jr


Giovanni Lorenzo's challenge to Vargas: Show me you're the best middleweight promoted by Main Events

Giovanni Lorenzo is home in his native Dominican Republic, visiting his family. However before Lorenzo, jumped on the plane he spoke with Boxingtalk. Lorenzo is happy with his win against Robert Kamya in which he was the co-feature attraction on the John Duddy headlined pay per view “Erin Go Brawl”. However the undefeated Lorenzo feels that he may have looked too good. That John Duddy and his people would be wise to stay clear of him. The bold Lorenzo also called out arguably his most famous Main Events Stable mate, Fernando Vargas. Lorenzo says that he would love to host a retirement party for El Feroz.

Boxingtalk: Giovanni congratulations on your big win on the Erin Go Brawl PPV card. Can you tell us about your experience of fighting in MSG for the first time in your career?

Answer: It was a great night for boxing, and for New York. I think it was also a great night the middleweight division. My self, Duddy and Lee all won in exciting fashion by K.O.'s just like I predicted. The fans in attendance and the fans viewing from around the world all got their moneys worth. Everyone I spoke with said they enjoyed the show.

Boxingtalk: Can you tell us about your bout with Robert Kamya and what led you to the 3rd round K.O.

Answer: Our plan was simple since Kamya was off for over a year our plan was to fight him at a very fast pace, I was looking to land big shots up and down on him. In the first round I hit him with some good body shots that I know hurt him. I seen that he was hunched over to protect against the body shots and that he kept his left hand very low so I knew I would eventually land the big right hand ,which is exactly what I did. It was a good stoppage he was taking a lot of punishment. It was a very easy fight for me. He was overmatched but I have to give him credit he took a beating like a man.

Boxingtalk: Can you tell us why you sported a green tattoo of an Irish four leaf clover on your back for this fight.

Answer: I was thinking of a way to say thank you to Irish Ropes Promotions for putting me on this card. Irish Ropes is a first class outfit, they treated us real nice and with a lot of respect, they gave us tickets and a lot of extras that they were obligated to give. They also were showcasing me in front of their fans for a possible future fight with John Duddy. The tattoo was my way of saying thank you for all they have done to advance my career and to show them that Giovanni Lorenzo is a class act.

Boxingtalk: Speaking of Duddy, you have gone out publicly and said you want Duddy in your next fight. Why should Duddy fight you, and not continue fighting the lesser level of competition he has been facing to sell out arenas?

Answer: Well first of all I think he wants respect (like we all do) from the boxing fans around the world. To get that respect you have to fight the best of your peers, similar to what Oscar and Evander Holyfield did in their careers or you end up like a guy like a Camacho Jr. with absolutely no respect. Yes it's true he probably could continue for a long time fighting 35-40 year old name guys with the best of their careers behind them and continue selling out MSG, but is that who Duddy is? I don't think so, I think he wants glory; he wants to be recognized by everyone as a great fighter who fought the best. Isn’t he the type of guy that wants to know just how good he really is? A big part of his attraction and interest I think is based on his vulnerability. In the Campas fight everyone thought he could lose, in that fight there where moments when I thought he was going to lose, but he pulled it out. I think he deserves a lot of credit for that. So it is his vulnerability that makes him so exciting. He keeps you on the edge of your seat. If he continues to fight lesser completion he will lose the best part of his attraction, so he knows this and he also believes that I'm beatable. This is his goal find someone who the boxing fans think is a fight he can lose, but he thinks he can win. So far the boxing public is divided on whom will win a fight with me. About 6 months ago he was a huge favorite now it is a 50-50, so if he beats me he has huge credibility.  If he beats me he is in line for a huge payday. Is that a risk he is willing to take? We'll see. I mean they said they want a fight with me. If however is a big word. I know for a fact he can not beat me.

Boxingtalk: I heard Duddy's people say they are looking to take a fight on ESPN first before fighting you, what can we expect from Giovanni in the next few months is the Duddy fight a done deal?

Answer: Well, I was back in the gym on Monday, I'd like to take another fight in June and then again possible in August if not a big fight in Sept or Oct. I am in a position now where I can fight as a showcased main event on HBO or Showtime or if I have to, I can fight on Arturo Gatti's undercard off T.V. on Dec. 14th. I have fought on undercards of Arturo Gatti 5 times in my career all in front of sell out arenas, that experience alone of fighting with my stable mate Arturo and feeling the energy of his fans many of whom are now my fans is priceless and it has given me the knowledge and experience to be the best for years to come. I'm a humbled fighter on Arturo's card I'm the student, he's that legendary. So, you can after 5 years as a pro I am still paying my dues to the sport and I'm flexible I haven't forgotten where I came from. Nobody can say Giovanni Lorenzo does not deserve everything that has happened to him. The fight with Duddy is not a done deal. I'm told they turned down an offer from HBO because the $350,000 site fee for BAD wasn't enough money for them, so hopefully HBO will rethink their offer and make it worth everyone’s while to make this exciting fight. We'll see what happens. You can't blame Duddy's camp. The risk is high, it could be career ending, so the compensation has to be there or it never going to happen. HBO knows better than anyone that great fights are hard to come by.

Boxingtalk: There is a middleweight from Australia who a lot of people are talking about. I believe is 26-0 and his name is Daniel Dawson. He is a former world champion kick boxer, would there be any interest in you fighting him on HBO or Showtime?

Answer: I'll fight him as long as he can't kick me, (laughing) I have never seen him fight, I have know idea who he is, but if the money is right I'll fight anyone who is meaningful or ranked in the middleweight division. I would love a fight with Vargas. I hear that Mayorga is afraid to fight him at Middleweight. I would love to retire him for good and send him back to Oxnard I'll fight him for half the money Mayorga wanted. Vargas is the type of guy that doesn't know when to quit he's the kind of guy that will die in the ring and am death on his doorstep, so they would never put me in with him. If you say you’re a warrior then I challenge you to prove who the best middleweight Main Events has.

Boxingtalk: Vargas is a two time world champion; he has beaten some of the best fighters in the world, why should he be afraid to take on Giovanni Lorenzo?

Answer: I am not saying he is afraid, I'm saying anyone in his condition should retire instead of risking serious injury or death. He should listen to the “queen” and the cockroaches around him and hang them up. Like I said they would never put him in with me, because I will send him back to Oxnard in a casket. It's a fight they would never take; he is too far gone, plain and simple.

Boxingtalk: Robert Kamya was a good win but many believe it is time for you to step up against a top 10 guy. Verno Phillips is a solid fighter with a solid reputation, many felt he beat Quartey and Ouma. Would you fight him?

Answer: I will fight anyone in the world who is meaningful. Phillips is no exception, I've seen Phillips brutal knock-out over Teddy Reid and I saw him beat Candelo, I know he can fight but with me it’s a  different world. He’s never been hit as hard as I would hit him. I have more respect for him as a fighter then Vargas I’ll tell you that much. I think he’s better than Vargas. Phillips is a live opponent. I would say to anyone who is interested in fighting “El Chico Malo” to get in touch with my promoter Kathy Duva of Main Events and we will take it from there.

Boxingtalk: Is there anything you would like to say in closing to your fans on BoxingTalk?

Answer: I would like to say thanks to Greg Leon and all of the staff at Boxing Talk, You guys are the best. To my fans and my soon to be fans thanks for shinning your light on Dominican boxers and most of all your interest in " El Chico Malo " and I will see you all soon on HBO or Showtime


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