Gatti Responds To Mayweather!

By Cory Rapacz


Gatti Responds To Mayweather!

"Floyd has no class!"

After yesterday’s very confrontational statement made by “Pretty Boy” Floyd Mayweather, it was Arturo Gatti’s opportunity on Thursday to let his feelings be known about the June 25 superfight scheduled for Atlantic City. Before Gatti came onto the conference call, his trainer Buddy McGirt, made some interesting comments.  “If you take Floyd’s speed away from him and nullify it, what does he have left?”  When asked about why Gatti took the Mayweather fight Buddy said, “It’s not like he needed Mayweather, he wants

During yesterday’s conference call Mayweather made the fact that Gatti was sick and unable to attend a topic of discussion. Mayweather suggested Gatti was afraid to show up.  McGirt defended Gatti, of course, saying, “he was sick, he wanted to come.  I said why come if you are sick.”  McGirt also added that Mayweather’s harsh comments that Gatti is a bum are, “just going to make him work harder.”

Next Arturo Gatti made a an appearance that was short but had several interesting quotes about Mayweather.  “He has no class,” said Gatti.  “He is disrespectful.  I would never make comments like that about another fighter. Floyd is just like the rest of fighters in his family, they all have no chins.  If he gets hit there he goes to sleep.”  Although Mayweather is considered the favorite, it is Gatti who holds the WBC 140-pound title that will be up for grabs.

When asked about whether or not Floyd’s skill would be too much for him to overcome Gatti said, “Anything Floyd does I can do better.  The only thing he has on me is his speed.”

With this fight still three months away it is clear that the dislike that these fighters have for each other is growing.  If these two warriors fight the way they are starting to talk, then boxing fans will be in for a treat.