Froch to meet Dodson at presser


Froch to meet Dodson at presser

Press Release: British super middleweight champion Carl Froch is looking forward to finally coming face-to-face with long-term rival Tony Dodson.  Despite being scheduled to fight three times over the last 18 months the pair have never met before – with Dodson withdrawing each time through injury.  It’s judgement day tomorrow, however, with the pair scheduled  for a press conference in a  historic  courtroom ahead of their long awaited showdown on November 24, 2006  at the prestigious Nottingham Arena.   “I‘m going to enjoy seeing how he handles me in the flesh,” said Froch. “He’s been talking a lot of rubbish over the last few weeks. It’s easy mouthing off when the fight is a long time off, but I want to see how he is shaping up now that it’s started to dawn on him that he’s actually going to be stepping in with me.  The press conference is being staged at the ‘NCCL Galleries of Justice’ at the historic lace market in Nottingham, Froch’s hometown. In between the 1780’s and 1980’s the museum site was used for a prison, courts and even an area for public executions.  Despite being run as a charity, the ‘NCLL Galleries of Justice’ has become one of the Midland’s leading tourist attractions. It also functions as a national centre for citizenship, through which it operates the ‘Help a Nottinghamshire Child’ scheme. “It’s great to be back fighting in Nottingham,” he said. “I am very proud of my roots and I will always do my best to represent the people here, especially the kids. That’s why I’m going to support ‘Help a Nottinghamshire Child’ whenever I can.
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