"I wish I could fight the guys Klitschko does, then I'd look good"
thehype: Boxingtalk would like to welcome John Ruiz to tonight's T.N.T. chat session
CoryR: Jawny, you kept saying in your press conference Im the best" did you forget that Roy Jones taught you a boxing lesson, and he is proven to be far from the best? Your thoughts."
JOHN_RUIZ: I feel like the only person who lost that fight is myself. Other than that fight I feel that I'm the top guy out there. I fight everybody and there's nobody out there who's fought the caliber that I have.nardfan: What up John?Do you ever feel Norman is a attention hogger and serves as a distraction in your corner?Has Toney gotten under your skin?
JOHN_RUIZ: Not really. He's there to do his job and keep the fight clean. The referee is there to do his job and he's there to make sure everything is on an even playing field. Sometimes we get a ref that wants to go the other way, so sometimes we get the bad end of the stick.Tee101: I'm not a big fan, but I'm all for anyone who can sHUT UP James Toney, so KO him, dont hug him to death.
JOHN_RUIZ: Toney can't get under my skin, I'm used to his trashtalk, it's something that I'm accustomed to now. Every time I fight people say negative things, but that doesn't distract me or frustrate me, I'm just going to make sure that he ends up paying for it.JOHN_RUIZ: The hug thing has been going on before I was born. I don't know why people mention that so much, it's called a clinch and I'm tired about people complaining about that. It's all about seeing who's tougher and who's stronger and that's what clinches do. I force my will on them. This is nothing new in boxing. It's about wearing down the opponent.awesomeald: John do you feel like a red headed step child in a family that no one likes. i mean you get no love man. Whaats the deal with that. You going to show James TOney whats up on april 30th and did RJJ hurt you in that fight
JOHN_RUIZ: The critics can say whatever they want, I'm out there fighting everybody out there. I don't fight bums and I always win so it doesn't bother me. People don't tend to look at my wins and losses, I don't fight pretty enough I guess, but I win.JOHN_RUIZ: If boxing was pretty, J-Lo would be the champJOHN_RUIZ: It's about winningJOHN_RUIZ: you do what you can to outman your opponent.AKay: John was up! What do you think of Chris Byrd turning down that money to fight the Klitchko brother in Germany? Would you have taken that money and defend over there?
JOHN_RUIZ: It's a tough situtation when you go to another country and fight their champion. It's something that's tough to even say. I would have loved to take the fight, and I would have won regardless of where it is.JOHN_RUIZ: But they fought before and things happened in the first fight and I think he was worried about getting fair treatment.dglawfirm@aol.com: Hi Mr Ruiz--who do you feel that you till need to fight to cement your legacy. Also do you think you can do more so that the public appreciates you more
JOHN_RUIZ: The only thing that's killing me right now is the commentators and the reporters. I've fought everyone except Byrd and Klitschko and everytime I get closer they seem to distance themselves from me. But Klitschko is an HBO so he's getting promoted. Byrd is in the same situation I am. But we're winning fights and I feel like I'm the best out there.BlackShoes: John, do you believe you should be rated higher than the other hevayweight champs?
JOHN_RUIZ: If you look at the caliber of opponents, that alone should speak for itself. I shouldn't be the only one screaming this. You have to look at who I've fought over the last four years. Everybody was ranked and none of them are scrubs.JOHN_RUIZ: I wish I could fight the guys Klitschko does, then I'd look good. But it's hard to look good all the time when you're fighting the best. That's just something that's frustrating to me.Tyson180: Hey Jawny, do you think that in order to get your just due, you must KO Toney rather than win on points?
JOHN_RUIZ: It seems that each time I feel that something is going to come out of a fight it turns around and bites me in my ass. The second Holyfield fight was great and I managed to put him down and then afterwards it was like the fight never happened. No matter who I fight it's going to be a situation that people don't even want to mention my fights. But that's why I'm going to start talking more so the people hear what I have to say. I'm tired of fighting the top guys out there and not getting the credit for it.BlackShoes: John, When you look back at the tape of the Golota fight, by what margin do you think you won by, in rounds?
JOHN_RUIZ: I was kinda worried about winning that fight with Golota. Not only was I knocked down but the ref was totally against me so I thought I was going to lose. I managed to fight back and nobody really talked about how I rallied, they just talk about how I was holding. But I'm used to them always looking at the negative and not the positive.JOHN_RUIZ: I don't know how to fix that problem, but I know I just need to keep on fighting and keep on winnning.Method: John -- YOu bitched and moaned and moaned and bitched but you hug on opponents like you trying to get hitched -- seriously, Roy Jones beat you CLEANLY, why were you crying that the ref short-changed you? It seems any time you aren't allowed to fight...that nasty ass, dare I say, style", it seems you perform HORRIBLY (Jones, Tua, Golota). Seriously, John, clinching and infighting are part of the sport, but I have seen Koala Bears that are more active than you."
JOHN_RUIZ: I wasn't even mentally there, that's the main thing. I honestly felt that I wasn't in my right mind to fight against anybody. I honestly felt the ref didn't want us to fight inside.I was trying to get inside on the smaller guy but he was seperating us and I took the mental part of the aspect away. I was going through a lot of personal problems and at that time I just wasn't at my best and it's a shame because it was the perfect time for me to shine.edwinmalave: hey champ what is your relantionship with papa trinidad and tito?
JOHN_RUIZ: We say hello but we never sit down and have dinner. I'm proud of what he accomplished and I'm glad he's back and doing well. There was a little friction in the past, but it's things I just brush off and ignore.JOHN_RUIZ: I'm a fan of anybody who could step in the ring and fight.JOHN_RUIZ: I'm looking forward to his next fight and I think Winky's going to be tough and Trinidad is going to be chasing him. It's going to be a tough fightBlackShoes: john, why do you think they call klitschko the real" champ? are you aggravated by that?"
JOHN_RUIZ: No it doesn't. I know the truth and I know what's going on out there and the people in the sport even know what's going on. I feel like I'm the guy to beat and I guess they have their favorites and Klitschko is one of them. Who knows why?JOHN_RUIZ: They know that Klitschko is nothing but a quitter.JOHN_RUIZ: He's done it before and he'll do it again as soon as he gets to the same situation.Dee: John do you plan to impose your strength on Toney and if you cant overpwer him whats plan B because he is an excellent boxer even though he is a loud mouth
JOHN_RUIZ: Plan A is to box him and stay outside and try to use the jab. I have the reach over him and I'm going to take it, people are talking about holding, but this is a smaller guy.JOHN_RUIZ: It would be senseless for me not to want to put my weight on him and wear him down.JOHN_RUIZ: You have to be smart to fight someone like Toney who is a fast counterpuncher.JOHN_RUIZ: No matter what I do, I'll be in the same boat after I beat, I know I'm the best out there and the other champions know that too. To fight me is basically signing a death wish.nardfan: Johny,what will you weigh in about?Which Holyfield fight was the toughest?J-Lo or Beyonce or Anita Baker?Where you already training,and was that the reason you were able to take Toney on an earlier date?Good Luck!
JOHN_RUIZ: Around 240. I'm around there right now and I'm not going to be gaining or losing too much. I'm trying to go down a little to get more quickness but I want to feel comfortable.thehype: Boxingtalk would like to thank John Ruiz for taking time to chat with us tonight