Exclusive Interview with Rock Allen

By Percy Crawford


Exclusive Interview with Rock Allen

Percy Crawford: First off Rock, congratulations on your victory on the Hopkins/Tarver undercard.

Rock Allen: Thanks man.

PC: How has everything been going?

RA: Everything is going good. Training is going great.

PC: The guy you fought had never been stopped and was 2-0. You stopped him in the 1st round. Do you think people are starting to take notice of you?

RA: I hope so. Oscar DeLaHoya said “I’m a small fish in a big pond.” So I’m pretty confident.

PC: When would you like to get into the ring again?

RA: Soon as possible!

PC: You seem to consistently fight every month or every other month. Is that by design or just how it works out?

RA: I like to keep myself busy. When I fight often it leaves me no down time between fighters, so I’m still sharp.

PC: Was there anything about your opponent that surprised you?

RA: No, not at all. I prepare myself in the gym for everything - southpaws or orthodox, tall or short. My preparation for the fight was good.

PC: What did you think about Bernard Hopkins’ performance?

RA: I think Bernard looked great. He fought a great fight and did everything he was supposed to do to beat Tarver.

PC: I got your prediction in New Orleans and you said “Bernard would break him down and stop him in the late rounds.” Do you think Bernard could have stopped him?

RA: Um, Bernard does what he has to do to win the fight. Bernard don’t get caught up and make a mistake. If the knockout would have been there, he would have took it, but Tarver is always dangerous, so I think Bernard did the right thing.

PC: Out of your 8 fights, 6 of them have ended in early KO’s. Do you ever think your not getting enough rounds?

RA: Well, my last 2 fights before this one went the distance and that was a good learning experience for me. If the knockout is there, then I’ll take it. I’ve shown I could go the distance though.

PC: It seems as though you can make 140 or 147. Which weight would you like to make your mark at?

RA: 140 right now. Eventually I’ll move up to 147.

PC: We’re going to get a lot more of Rock Allen on Boxingtalk. Until then, any closing thoughts?

RA: Keep an eye out for me. I’m hungry and ready. Look out for me on the 15th- I’ll be on the Mosley/Vargas undercard.

PC: Thanks for your time Rock!

RA: No problem, thank you!


Send questions and comments to: nardfan@charter.net