Exclusive Interview: Randy Griffin and Byron Oglesby

By James Alden


Exclusive Interview: Randy Griffin and Byron Oglesby

Griffin eager to have mandatory enforced Vs. Castillejo!

JA: Congratulations on your big win Randy. Did the fight go exactly as you thought it would go?  "Yeah the fight went exactly like I thought it would go. Everything that Byron told me that he was going to do, he did."

JA: Byron when you looked at some tapes of Maselino, what were some of the weaknesses that you saw?

BO: Randy is the overall better fighter and all he had to do was use his natural skills to win the fight to get the job done. If we had an opportunity to go in and finish up the job we would have done so.

JA: The fight was off TV Randy so a lot of people didn’t get a chance to see the fight. But was there any point during the fight that he had control?

RG: I thought that I dominated the fight from start to finish. At one point he threw a nice combination, I put my hands up, moved and got out of there.

JA: At some point during the fight did you think that you could have knocked Maselino out?

RG: I did hit him with a couple of body shots but I wanted to take caution because it was around the 9th round where I hurt him. I said to myself why take a chance when I dominating the whole fight.

JA: Byron what were you telling him in the corner when he was dominating the fight the way that he was. At all during the fight did you tell him to close the show out?

BO: I told him to go for the knockout if the opportunity presented itself. At the end of the day all we were focused on was getting the job done, getting are hand raised in the middle of the ring at the end of the fight. Randy boxed a tremendous fight, in the last round he applied a lot of pressure on him and I thought that at that point but to Maselino’s credit he with stood the pressure. The middleweight division is heating up right now, and before it’s all said and done you are going to see Randy Griffin standing on top of all the middleweights.

JA: Randy is now the mandatory to fight Javier Castillejo for the WBA championship. How do you think they match up stylistically?

BO: When the fight takes place you will see. We are going to put together a great fight plan for Randy. We will get Randy’s opinion on the fight but the way that Randy is talking and fighting, Randy will win the WBA championship. Sturm is a great fighter and a great champion, that will only bring out the best Randy Griffin.

JA: Randy tell us your thoughts on the possibility of fighting Javier Castillejo?

RG: I am really excited about it. Javier is a great fighter. When we fight I will be impressive, if he makes a mistake I'm taking him out. I need this win, I want this win, I got to have it. I'm going to due everything in my power to keep this fight out of the judges hands.

JA: As a fighter are you nervous that if you win the fight convincingly that they might not give you the fight?

RG: No not really nervous because if you look at my amateur background, I fought most of my fights across seas and won. They tried to rob me but I beat him so bad to the point where they had no choice but to give me the fight.

BO: I just want to add that Randy is real sharp right now and he is taking his game to another level right now. Randy's mind is sharp and nothing or no one is going to stand in his way of becoming a very successful champion. Along with myself and Nirmal Lorrick we have Luis Collazo, who beat Ricky Hatton, Travis Simms, who is training hard and will be back in action real soon, Robert Allen and Jaidon Codrington just to name a few. Everyday in the gym they keep each other motivated and stay grinding to be the best.

JA: A lot of people may not think of you as a premier trainer Byron but you do have a great stable.

BO: You're only as good as the fighter and the guys I'm working with are special.  I know a little something but its a testament to them more than anything else and they are all very coachable. These guys are special and they always push each other and they are always there for one another. Randy has been under the radar, but that's about to change the cream is rising to top. He has the talent, work ethic and discipline to be great.

JA: Randy were there any injuries that can set you back from going back to the gym right away?

RG: No injuries at all. I will be back in the gym sometime this week.

JA: When do you want the fight with Castillejo to be made?

RG: As soon as possible.

JA: Were you shocked by Javier;s win?

RG: Yes. I thought Sturm would have been able to pull out a decision at home, but I guess that's why they call it the theatre of the unexpected.

JA: Is there anything that you would like to say in closing?

RG: To all boxing fans worldwide continue to support this sport we all love and to all my people in Philly, Atlanta, New York and Kentucky every time I step into the ring you are with me


Send questions and comments to: jamesalden@boxingtalk.com