Exclusive Interview: Michael Marrone

By Charles Presnell


Exclusive Interview: Michael Marrone

Michael Marrone, “The New Italian Stallion” has proved his heart and punching power on recent ESPN telecasts.  Still at the age of 20 he is showing his potential to becoming one of the top heavyweight prospects.  Featured first here on Boxingtalk, thanks to his trainer Gus Curren, last fall, Marrone took the time to speak with Boxingtalk following his most recent outing.

Michael, congratulations on your first round knockout of Dan Whetzel on ESPN, do you feel like you redeemed yourself after your previous performance?

I definitely feel better, I listened and stuck to the plan that was laid out for me, but both fights are in the past and I have to look forward.

Gus told me before this fight that you were ready to erase the last fight from people’s memory, now that you have shown heart and power in your television performances, what do you hope to accomplish in your next fight?

Maybe I erased the memory in some people’s minds, but it is still in my mind I’ve learned and I will use it to my advantage.

You have been dubbed “The new Italian Stallion” who’s idea was it and did you expect to have to have a Rocky-like comeback in your first television fight as you did back in February?

It wasn’t mine or Gus, and to be honest and I’m not too fond of it, but I don’t put too much emphasis on nicknames, wardrobes and all that, I just think about fighting, as far as the rocky performance goes its not what I planned, but Gus prepares me for whatever comes my way sometimes a fight may turn in a different direction, but if you are ready to handle it you will be okay.

At 14-0 and now fighting on ESPN, many people seem to forget that you are still only 20 years old; do you expect to continue to be built up slowly like you are to develop your skills and allow you to grow into your body?

That’s for Gus and Lou to decide, if they asked me to fight King Kong on Friday and Godzilla on Saturday I’d do it, but Gus feels I still need to physically mature and learn, so I listen to him.

Considering the average age for a top ten heavyweight is over 30, do you feel that it will be a while before you even get the chance to fight a major heavyweight?

As far as age goes I don’t concern myself with what the age of a fighter is, and when Gus and Lou and Dino feel I’m ready that is when I will take the next step.

Out of the current heavyweight champions, who do you think has the best chance to unify the titles?

Klitschko has the best chance.

How do you feel about the Eastern European’s sudden burst on the scene in the heavyweight division?

It doesn’t matter to me where you come from.

Do visions of Rocky 4 start entering your mind as you look into your future and championship prospects?

No visions of rocky at all that’s the movies and this is real life.

You have been working with Lou Duva and Gus Curren for several years, Curren your whole career, what are your feelings on the milestones that you could be Curren’s first and Duva’s final heavyweight world champion?

Thats what were doing this for, my goals have never changed my priorities have never changed since I was 9 years old and that’s to work hard and work smart and be a world champion, Gus goals have never changed and that’s to make world champions starting with me, and Lou has had 19 world champions maybe he will have 19 more, and it would be an honor to be added to that list.


Send questions and comments to: presnellcharles@yahoo.com