Exclusive Interview: Jose Antonio Rivera

By James Alden


Exclusive Interview: Jose Antonio Rivera

JA: How is everything going Jose? "Everything is going great. I am waiting back listening to hear from Don King Productions on what move they want to move me in next."

JA: You are a hot fighter right now. You want to fight, but on the other side of the token you want to fight a meaningful fight.

JR: I am waiting for the right opportunity because I feel like I have no choice but to wait for the right opportunity, it’s not like I can make my own fights, I have to wait and listen to Don King. I think at this point in my career I have earned the right to get a big payday and to fight the big fight, I believe I deserve that for me and my family.

JA: Shane Mosley and Fernando Vargas will be fighting in a couple of weeks, is that a fight that you would like to get the winner of?

JR: I would love to be in line to fight the winner of that fight. I hear all these guys turning down 8 million dollars, 4 million dollars, well I would fight any of these guys for 3 million dollars. I would love to fight Floyd Mayweather, Antonio Margarito, Oscar De La Hoya. I would love to fight anybody to get me a chance to fight on HBO. I am hoping that my next fight will be on Showtime or HBO, that is what I am looking for. I am looking to fight and to get notoriety when I do fight.

JA: What have you been up to since your last fight and when are you going back to the gym and start training?

JR: I went back to the gym this week; I am gradually getting back in the shape that I was in for the Alejandro Garcia fight. I noticed that when I train before the fight is made, that helps me out tremendously. Myself and Scully have been working on a lot of things and when I came back this week we will work on some new things.

JA: Ideally when would you like to fight again next?

JR: I know that the big guys are all fighting this month or next month. I am hearing that none of those guys would be ready to fight until September or October, so that is what I am gearing myself up for now.

JA: Sometime in the Fall?

JR: Definitely sometime in the fall, that is the goal. Hopefully I fight before the year is out.

JA: Are you expecting to fight again before the year is out?

JR: I am hoping. I think that this fighting once a year business is not good for me, I would like to fight one more time this year.

JA: Is another fight at the DCU something that you want?

JR: Honestly if that is where they want me to fight I will be more than happy to fight. I would love to fight in Puerto Rico, Madison Square Garden, one of the casinos in Connecticut.

JA: Is there anything that you would like to say in closing?

JR: I am waiting for the big fights and continue to keep hollering at me when you see me. I am looking to make something big happen in the fall.

JA: One last question. Have you had talks with Don King or anyone at Don King Productions on your next fight?

JR: We have had discussions and they tell me is that we are working on our next fight.


Send questions and comments to: jamesalden@boxingtalk.com