Exclusive Interview: Joe “Daddy” Stevenson

By Percy Crawford


Exclusive Interview: Joe “Daddy” Stevenson

UFC’S The Ultimate Fighter 2 season 2 winner talks about UFC 65!

PC: How has training gone for your fight at UFC 65?

JS: It’s gone really good. I’m excited. My training partners are working hard. I’m getting my weight down. Everything seems to be going in the right direction.

PC: How has winning The Ultimate Fighter 2 changed your life?

JS: Well, I don’t have to wait in a line to get into a club anymore and that’s about it. Financially it gives me stability and that’s important when you have kids. Other than that, it just put me on a straight arrow when it comes to family life and stuff.

PC: The lightweight division is heating up again. Are you comfortable at that weight? 

JS: Oh, heck yeah! I’m going to rule the world at that weight.

PC: You lost your UFC debut against Josh Neer. What was going through your mind afterwards and what advice would you give someone like, Ed Herman who also lost his debut?

JS: Ed looks like a tough guy. I don’t know how hard he trains, but unfortunately I took Josh lightly. I look at it like someone like Randy Couture coming back after a loss. It’s who you are when you lose, because everyone is your friend when you win.

PC: You bounced back with a hard fought TKO victory over Yves Edwards. Did you view that fight as a do or die fight?

JS: Yeah, I guess I could have got more emotionally involved for that. It wasn’t so much do or die, but I sacrificed a lot for that fight. I was training really hard. You always think you could give it a little more, but I thought I gave it the right amount.

PC: You’re fighting a veteran from the Pride system, Dokonjonosuke Mishima…...

JS: (cutting in) yeah, I’m going to send him back. He’s not use to our custom with elbows and the cage. He’s going to find out really quickly that it’s a whole different lifestyle over here. He’s going to see what it feels like to get an elbow to the face while I’m on top of him. He’s going to be like, “Mommy make the bad man stop.”

PC: Have you watched any tape on him to break down his style?

JS: I have seen lots of tape on this guy. He’s tough. He has a lot of good attributes. His ground is really good, but my ground is really good, so I don’t see him catching me. If I slip, he can definitely catch me, so I have to be on top of my game with this guy.

PC: Where are you training for this fight?

JS: I’m up here in Big Bear, California doing my thing.

PC: I know you’re not overlooking Mishima, but its obvious Sean Sherk is the ultimate goal. What did you think of his fight with Kenny Florian?

JS: I thought he fought very well, because I heard his shoulder was jacked. Kenny did great as well. I know a lot of people didn’t give him a chance. It was great. I think it was a good fight. Logically, I think I’m better than both of those guys and I would beat them. I think you have to have that type of confidence in this game. I would fight each of them differently. Sherk has the belt, so he’s the one getting the limelight.

PC: Stylistically, you and Sherk are very similar. What do you think will make you successful in that fight?

JS: My stand up and my submissions. Kind of what Kenny was expected to do. I think there were a couple opportunities Kenny had. I think high altitude training would’ve done him some good.

PC: Let me get some predictions on some UFC fights coming up. Chuck Liddell vs. Tito Ortiz, rematch?

JS: I think it’s going to be a good fight. I think both of them are different fighters from the first time they met. I think it’s going to come down to if Tito can get that take down or not. I’m going to go with… Tito on that one.

PC: Matt Hughes vs. George St. Pierre?

JS: That’s a tough one there. You have to give it to Matt in the experience, but you have to give George the youth and the hunger. I’m not even going to call that one.

PC: Tim Sylvia vs. Jeff Monson?

JS: Logic says if it stays standing, Tim, and if it goes to the ground, Jeff. Tim has been doing a great job with keeping it standing in the past, so Tim.

PC: Thanks for your time Joe. Do you want to shout out to your sponsors?

JS: Thanks to Xyience of course for helping me in training and keeping me in shape. I want to thank All Sport Nutrition.com, Unbreakable mouthpieces. I love my boys Tyler and Frankie and my wife. 


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