Exclusive Interview: Jeffrey Resto

By G. Leon


Exclusive Interview: Jeffrey Resto

Resto to face Victor Ortiz on De La Hoya undercard

GL: What can we expect to see from you on December 6 against Victor Ortiz? "I expect to be at my best and give everybody a good show."GL: 2008 has been your best year in a while. How do you think you will respond to this step up in opposition? Jeff Resto: "I think that every time I have a tough fight I respond very well. I don't think this is going to be any different. Even though this guy is a southpaw and I think southpaws are more difficult, I'm going to come out real good in this fight."

GL: What do you know about Ortiz as a fighter and what weaknesses do you see in him that you plan on exploting come December 6?

JR: "I don't know much about him. I know he comes forward and he's a strong guy, but we're going to see how he's going to respond when somebody it hitting him with big shots too."

GL: How do you feel about being a part of the De La Hoya-Pacquiao telecast?

JR: "I'm thrilled because this is an opportunity for me to show everybody what I can do in front of a large audience."

GL: Is this a do or die fight for you?

JR: "Yes it is. It is the most important fight of my life and a victory in this fight means everything to me so you know I'm giving it my all."

GL: Who do you like in Hatton-Malignaggi?

JR: "Hatton. I like Paulie and he's a good boxer, but Hatton is a much better fighter with more experience."

GL: What's your prediction for the Ortiz fight?

JR: "I'm ready for twelve rounds, but if the knockout comes, hey, I'm going to take it."

GL: closing thoughts?

JR: "Thanks for the interview, be sure to tune in on December 6 for a great fight. I'm going to give you the best fight I could possibly give and I think you guys are in for a treat."


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