Video Interview By Darren Nichols Transcribed By Jose "OnFire" Aguirre
Darren Nichols: We got Freddy Roach here with Freddy this is Manny's first fight at 130lbs is that correct? Â Freddy Roach: "Yes first fight at 130lbs. He's had two at 126lbs and we're stepping up again."
DN: What weight do you feel he'll come in at?
FR: "I would imagine about twenty eight, twenty seven. Right around that weight. He'll make 130lbs easily. He's probably close to that right now."
DN: What do you do with someone like Manny who's had so much experience. What do you do with him in training to get ready for this fight?
FR: "We're working on the things he doesn't do well. We're working on the right hook of course. He's has a great left hand. He has equal power in the right hand but just doesn't have the confidence. We're just building on that making him a more complete fighter. We're not teaching him anything new. He's a world champion and he's been around for a long time. We have to make some adjustments because of Morales' height and the weight a little bit. He likes to fight from a longer distance than we do so we're going to try to get close and take that away from him. Just use his strategy right now."
DN: How do you see this fight playing out? Will it be more like the Marquez fight or the Barrera fight?
FR: "Barrera. We're going to make the old guy fight every minute of every round. If you let him fight at a slow pace he'll box your ears off. That's not going to happen. We're going to push the fight. There is no secret there. We're going to come after him in the first round. W'l go until it's over."