Exclusive Interview: Darrel “King David” Madison

By. Ray O. Campbell Jr.


Exclusive Interview: Darrel “King David” Madison

Heavyweight Prospect looking to impress Saturday night.

Boxingtalk recently spoke with up-and-coming heavyweight Darrel “King David” Madison (1-0),  who will see action tomorrow night on the non-televised portion of the Winky Wright-Ike Quartey HBO undercard. Madison, 29, based out of Long Island, NY compiled a solid amateur pedigree that includes several titles ranging from golden gloves titles in three different states (NY, NE, and CA) to the ringside world championships. Read on as the extremely confident, hard-hitting southpaw talks to us about his pro-debut, what he learned from it and what those on hand at the St. Pete Forum in Tampa can expect Saturday night.

RC: What’s going on Darrel?
DM: I am feeling good man; I am ready for this next one (fight) man. It’s a good look for me on the Winky Wright undercard with Jeff “Left Hook” Lacy and them.

RC: What can you tell us about the guy that you will be fighting Saturday night?
DM: I believe I am fighting a guy by the name of Jamal Perry from Brooklyn, but it really doesn’t matter right now. I did what I had to do, so I am going to go in there and do what I do best. Execute the jab, stick to the game plan and if the Knock out presents itself I am gonna take it. If not I am going to box four successful rounds to another “W”.

RC: The last time we spoke you were about to make your pro debut. You did so and successfully stopped your opponent in the first round. Give us your assessment of that fight?
DM: Well you know we came out pretty calm, looked at the options, and worked off the jab. Stayed tight didn’t want to make no mistakes, the guy was a little wild, and I didn’t want to make no mistakes in front of my crowd. So I took my time as the fight elevated, I saw the opening. I slipped some punches, ducked weaved, hooked, came over and threw a straight left. I hit him with that 45, I hit him with a body shot and bent him over, came over with a chopping right hand and finished him off with a left hook.

RC: (Laughing at how descriptive he was in explaining all this) Darrel what did you do?  Practice what you were going to say?
DM: Nah I don’t practice. This is natural. It sounds like a skit right? (Starts to laugh)

RC: Your pro debut only lasted 2:31, but is there anything that you learned in that fight that you feel will be beneficial to you Saturday night?
DM: Yeah, not to box bums. Get rid of them. I learned that. You have to be patient with everybody, but really don’t give him the benefit of the doubt and have them build their confidence up when I am laid back. You know, if I am in there with a duck, I am going to pluck him and get him out of there. So that’s what I am going to do if I am in there with another one of them on Saturday night. If I have a guy that knows how to fight and can take a good shot, I am going to cool it out, box smart, you know present the shot. Set him up, and do the PPP, precise power punching.

RC: Darrel, do you think you might be a bit over confident going into this your only second bout as a professional, possibly getting caught up in the hype of fighting on a card with Winky Wright, Jeff Lacy in front….
DM: (Cutting in) Nah, no no. Actually I am really more on my grind on this one. Because you know I was on the David Tua card when I started and it was a good look and I really wanted to show what I could do. But now Winky Wright and Jeff Lacy on the card I am really crossing my “T’s” and dotting my “I’s” on this one.

RC: It’s a good look, but in any way do you feel any extra pressure to perform in all of the HBO execs and everyone on hand?
DM: No pressure man, when I am away from home and I am in someone else’s backyard and all eyes are on me. I fight at my best; I am really on my “A” game Check the track record how many championships did I win in New York. I won a few but most of them I won on the road. So when I am away from home, and the pressure is on and all eyes are on me. I show my **Explicit** like a stripper Ray.

RC: (Laughing out of control)
DM: but this time Ray you know God willing everything goes the right way, and I am in there with the right guy, I am going to show you how “King David” moves, how he slides and this beautiful jab I have been blessed with. The double hook man, to the body then to the head. If he an stand up from there, then you know I am going to roll the shoulder am and hit him with a nice straight right hand and cool him out. But I am definitely looking forward to giving them a good show, and letting you’ll know I am not just a banger, and show you’ll I really have boxing credentials in this, and I really can do this.

RC: Anything else you would like to add before I left you go?
DM: I just thank all of my supporters, I plan on giving you’ll another “W” from King David, and we are going to keep this chuck wagon moving the way it’s moving. I want to also thank you Ray Campbell for giving me this opportunity again. Plus shout outs to Kelly Richardson, Frank Mullen, the whole Heavy Hitters, and the Whole GYMU (Get Your Money Up) squad.


Send questions and comments to: Bkscam@gmail.com